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I sided with the Germans, but as nobody seemed to think that a Jew had any principles or cared for anything but the almighty dollar, everybody talked right out before me, unt by keepin' my ears wide open I got hold of lots of news, which I took straight to General Lyon. I got well acquainted with him, and he used to send me here and there to find out things for him.

This was something that the other rebel spies could not do, unt it helped me lots. I was careful to make copies of all these maps, unt they got to General Rosecrans's Headquarters. "The other rebel spies got very jealous of me because I was promoted over them, unt they laid all sorts of plans to trip me up.

"She's safe now from marryin' anybody for awhile," said Shorty, and he related the story of her nuptials, which amused Rosenbaum greatly. "But you have signed Jeff Hackberry's death warrant," he said. "If he tries to live with her she'll feed him wild parsnip, unt he'll get a house of red clay, that you put the roof on with a shovel. It'll be no great loss.

"Veil, I've kot rid off datt off-golored negdie, dat I fought I nefer vould sell," meditated the Jew, as Shorty left. "I'm ahet yoost a tollar-unt-a-haluf on aggount off dat vild Irishman's kirl. Veil, de kirls ket some fellers into sgrapes, unt helps udders oud."

I tried to think what had stirred them up all at once, but couldn't for my life recollect, for everything had been going on all right for several days. The man with the rope a big, ugly brute, with red hair unt one eye says: "'You're a Jew, ain't you? "'Yes, says I; 'I was born that way.

No; I am a speck. Vot can I do? Veil, I go avay. I haf some money a leedle. I come to America. I do not like crowds any more. I like to be alone mit my violin. I find dis place; I build dis house; I lif here unt make happiness. My only neighbors are de remittance men, who iss more mischiefing as wicked. Dey vill nod bother me much. So after a time I die here. Vy nod? I am forgot in Stuttgart."

Then you're one of them St. Louis Dutch them imported Hessians. They're all dead against us. They all ought to be killed. I ought to kill you myself for being so cussed mean to me. "He put his hand on his revolver in a way that made my breakfast sour in my stomach, but then I knew that Bob Smiles was a great blowhard, unt his bark was much worse than his bite. In St.

But afder der vater is gone down, unt dry oop unt eberding, dere vas yet der house dere. Unt my friends dey sait, 'Dot's all you got yet. Vell, feex oop der house dot's someding! feex oop der house, unt you vood still hatt yet a home! Vell, all summer I go to work, unt spent me eberding unt feex der proberty. Den I got yet a morgage on der house!

"Just as the day was breaking in the east, I heard a voice, with a strong German accent call out the brush: "'Halt! Who comes there? "I was so glad that I almost fainted, for I knowed that I'd reached General Sigel's pickets. I couldn't get my lips to answer. "There came a lot of shots, unt one of them struck my horse in the head, unt he fell in the road, throwing me over his head.

I can't do that so long as I know he's around, for I feel that his eyes are on me, unt that he's hunting some way to trip me up. "I'm going out now to meet him, at a house about five miles from the lines. I have my pockets unt the pockets on my saddles full of letters unt things. Just outside the lines I will get some more.