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BABÁYEV. Tánya, isn't it a sin for you to talk so? Now, tell me, isn't it? TATYÁNA. What? BABÁYEV. Isn't it a sin to suspect me? TATYÁNA. Oh, you! One can't tell whether you're making believe or not. BABÁYEV. Why should you tell, my angel! Don't worry about me! TATYÁNA. But what does yours tell you?

It's a true proverb: "If you beat your wife, the soup tastes better." TATYÁNA. Every one to his own taste! You, sister, like such treatment, while I consider it the height of rudeness. LUKÉRYA. Nowadays, such peasant's conduct is discarded everywhere; it's getting out of fashion. KÚRITSYN. You lie! Such treatment of women can never get out of fashion, because you can't get along without it.

She wanted to pet and soothe her. "You understand, my dear, what to do " Tatyana interrupted her softly: "A person must be able The bed's ready for you. Lie down and sleep." She went over to the oven and remained standing there erect, in silence, sternly centered in herself. The mother lay down without undressing. She began to feel the weariness in her bones and groaned softly.

KRASNÓV. There's no need. TATYÁNA. How, no need? I tell you that I want to see him. KRASNÓV. You want to, but I'm not anxious. Ought you to consider my wishes or not? TATYÁNA. You seem to have assumed authority all of a sudden. You certainly don't imagine that we'll obey you. No, indeed, we won't. What torture! KRASNÓV. What are you cackling about?

KRASNÓV. She petted me, fondled me, pressed me close to her heart. TATYÁNA enters quietly and looks around. The same and TATYÁNA KRASNÓV. Where have you been? Have you had a good time? Speak, don't hide it! Why are you silent? Speak! You see: everybody has come to view my shame. ULYÁNA. Why don't you talk, you shameless creature! You think you can get out of it by silence?

BABÁYEV. I asked you to come with me. TATYÁNA. It's all right for you. You're a free man, while I'm no better than a captive. That's my trouble. I've thought more than once how I could run away to you. BABÁYEV. That's good. TATYÁNA. Just think how unfortunate my life is: in order to have a little pleasure I have to deceive my husband. It's all deceit and deceit! But what's the use of deceiving?

In the daytime he walked up and down the garden, he whistled to the workmen and hindered them from working, making them tell him their various histories. When his eye fell on Tatyana Ivanovna he ran up to her, and, if she were carrying anything, offered his assistance, which embarrassed her dreadfully. As the summer advanced my uncle grew more and more frivolous, volatile, and careless.

"For all my love for you," he said, "I ask you only one thing in return: soothe me, give me back my peace of mind, because I am jealous." LUKÉRYA. What an affliction! TATYÁNA. He said he wasn't jealous of any one but this gentleman. LUKÉRYA. The idea of his being jealous of every one! That would be a great idea!

If any one asks you, you know; the city is small, and every one knows every one else, and every one watches every one else, where each goes, and what each does. PROKÓFYEVNA. Oh, sir! What's that to me! I looked but I didn't see. You're a stranger, not of this place. BABÁYEV. Ask them in! TATYÁNA and LUKÉRYA come in. LUKÉRYA. How do you do, again! Were you looking for us?

I'm shedding tears of blood. I'll tell her everything, everything that's seething in my heart. BABÁYEV and TATYÁNA come out of the gate; AFÓNYA hides behind a corner. AFÓNYA, BABÁYEV, and TATYÁNA BABÁYEV. What are you afraid of? There's not a soul on the street. Why are you in such a hurry? It isn't half an hour since you came. TATYÁNA. No, no! Somehow I feel uneasy.