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Quoiqu'il soit allié au grand-Turc, puisqu'il a épousé sa soeur, il le hait fort, parce que celui-ci lui a pris une partie du Karman. Cependant il n'ose l'attaquer, vu que l'autre est trop fort; mais je suis persuadé que s'il le voyoit entrepris avec succès de notre côté, lui, du sien, ne le laisseroit pas en paix.

After the immense success of "Faust," the doors of the Academy were opened wide to Gounod. On February 28, 1862, the "Reine de Saba" was produced, but was only a succès d'estime, the libretto by Gérard de Nerval not being fitted for a lyric tragedy.*

La Force, the captain of Le Succes, was a sailor of fortune, who had risen by chance, not merit." "Ay, ay," interrupted Mr. Palmer, "so I thought; and there was no great merit, or glory either, in a French fifty gun taking an English frigate, after standing a six hours' contest with another ship. Well, my dear sir, what became of poor Walsingham?

"All the same," Outreau went on, equally held, "c'est une tete a faire. If I were only staying long enough for a crack at her! But I tell you what" and he seized my arm "bring her over!" "Over?" "To Paris. She'd have a succes fou."

The repartee delighted all within hearing, and from that moment Hal was a brilliant succes at the social evenings. She only wondered she had never thought to go before; but perhaps no other moment would have been just so propitious. The sudden blank in her life craved some interest that was entirely new, and made her more ready to receive fresh impressions and create fresh occupations.

Shall Barnavelt That now should studie how to die, propound New waies to get a name? or keep a being A month or two to ruyn whatsoever The good succes of forty yeeres employment In the most serious affaires of State Have raisd up to his memory? And for what? Glory, the popular applause, fine purchase For a gray beard to deale in! Gro. You offend him. Mod.

For such as these is meant the cheap cynical saying quoted by Emerson, "Rien ne réussit mieux que le succès." But this is not the aim and end of Emerson's teaching: "I fear the popular notion of success stands in direct opposition in all points to the real and wholesome success.

William et John Scott, plus tard Lord Stowell et Lord Eldon, ayant obtenu quelque succès comme avocats; dans leurs jeunes aimées, avaient résolu de célébrer l'événement par un dîner

They did the thing in style; spared no expense; and got a comic newspaper proprietor to write the troupe up, and themselves down. The scheme worked beautifully what you would call a succès fou, Achille." "I am desolated, my good Ouagstaffe," observed Petitpois after a pregnant silence; "but I cannot believe all you say."

Quant au succès qu'eurent les deux ambassades, je me crois dispensé d'en parler. On devine sans peine ce qu'il dut être; et il en fut de même de deux autres que saint Louis, quoique par un autre motif, envoya peu après dans la même contrée.