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We cannot include "Queen Mab", in spite of its sonorous rhetoric and fervid declamation, in the canon of his masterpieces. It had a succes de scandale on its first appearance, and fatally injured Shelley's reputation. As a work of art it lacks maturity and permanent vitality.

In the English capital it was a failure; with us it gained a succès d’estime, the fantastic grace and lightness of the piece saving it from absolute shipwreck in the eyes of the literary public. “Between ourselves,” continued Coquelin, pushing aside his plate, a twinkle in his small eyes, “is the reason of this lack of success very difficult to discover?

"Alice says you had a succès fou last night." "Go away, and don't talk nonsense!" Constance turned on her side, and shut her eyes. "Oh, Alice hadn't a bad time either!" said Nora, complacently, sitting on the bed. "Herbert Pryce seems to have behaved quite decently. Shall I tell you something?"

Umberto Giordano, who during the last few years has steadily worked his way to the front rank of Italian composers, started his career with a succès de scandale in 'Mala Vita' , a coarse and licentious imitation of 'Cavalleria Rusticana. There is far better work in 'Andrea Chénier' , a stirring tale of the French Revolution set to music which shows uncommon dramatic power and in certain scenes a fine sense of lyrical expression.

"Do not let your cousin frighten you from knowing me, Monsieur le Marquis; when he was my pupil, he so convinced me of the incorrigibility of perverse human nature, that I now chiefly address myself to the moral improvement of the brute creation. Ask the Contessa if I have not achieved a beau succes with her Angora cat.

Once, in the delusion that Art, loving the recluse, would make his life happy, I wrote a little for a yellow quarterly and had that succes de fiasco which is always given to a young writer of talent. But the stress of creation soon overwhelmed me. Only Art with a capital H gives any consolations to her henchmen. And I, who crave no knighthood, shall write no more. I shall write no more.

For Johnson's last visit to Chatsworth, see ante, iv. 357, 367. Ce surnom lui fut donné le jour il remplissait avec le plus grand succès le rôle de Micyllus dans Le Songe de Lucien qui, arrange en drame, fut représenté au collège de Francfort. en 1503, mort en 1558. Nouv. Biog. Gén. xxxv. 922. See ante, ii. 324, note I, and iii. 138. Mr. Gilpin was an undergraduate at Oxford. Mrs. Mr.

Conant believed in her, and for the sake of the time when her books could be considered safe investments, was willing to lose a few dollars during the time of her apprenticeship. For the tales had enjoyed only a fleeting succès d'estime. Her style was, like her temperament, delicately constructed and of extreme refinement, not the style to appeal to the masses.

She left England and appeared upon the Continent as a beautiful virago, making a sensation as the French would say, a succes de scandale by boxing the ears of people who offended her, and even on one occasion horsewhipping a policeman who was in attendance on the King of Prussia. In Paris she tried once more to be a dancer, but Paris would not have her.

"That will be all the better," returned the abbé, "for we shall then have an 'Orlando' and also an 'Orlandino." When Gluck arrived in Paris, he brought with him the finished opera of "Armide," which was produced at the Paris Grand Opera on September 23, 1777. At first it was merely a succès d'estime, but soon became immensely popular.