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Shall Barnavelt That now should studie how to die, propound New waies to get a name? or keep a being A month or two to ruyn whatsoever The good succes of forty yeeres employment In the most serious affaires of State Have raisd up to his memory? And for what? Glory, the popular applause, fine purchase For a gray beard to deale in! Gro. You offend him. Mod.

Nay, more; that without him dispaire and ruyn Had ceazd on all and buried quick our safeties. Gro. That had not he in act betterd our counsailes And in his execution set them off, All we designd had ben but as a tale Forgot as soone as told. Leid.

Myne age, myne honour and my honest dealing Sold to the hangmans Sword? Cap. I cannot stay. Bar. Take me And glory in my blood, you most ungratefull; Feed your long bloody hopes and bath your angers In Barnavelts deservings; share my Services; Let it be death to pitty me; to speak well of me, The ruyn of whole famylies.

I will, And doe it boldly: We were entertaind To serve the generall States and not one Province; To fight as often as the Prince of Orange Shall lead us forth, and not to stand against him; To guard this Cuntrie, not to ruyn it; To beat of foreigne Enemies, not to cherish Domestique factions.

Now, Mounseuir Leidenberge you may se openly The issues of your desperate undertakings, And your good helpes, myne Heeires; now you must feele too, And to your greifes, what the deserts of those are That boldly dare attempt their Cuntries ruyn And who we serve, how faithfully and honestly You must and shall confes too: not to blind ends Hood-winckt with base ambition, such as yours are, But to the generall good.

Such mild proceedings in a Goverment New setled, whose maine strength had it's dependaunce Upon the powre of some perticuler men, Might be given way to, but in ours it were Unsafe and scandalous: then the Provinces Have lost their liberties, Justice hir Sword, And we prepared a way for our owne ruyn When for respect or favour unto any, Of what condition soever, we Palliat seditions and forbeare to call Treason by hir owne name.

But let not that discourage you: though Van Dort And Bredero, with others, have assented To force this Towne, stand you still on your Guard, And on my reputation rest assured With violence they never dare attempt you; For that would give the world to understand Th'united Provinces, that by their concord So long have held out 'gainst th'opposition Of all Spaines Governours, their plotts and armyes, Make way to their most certaine ruyn by A Civill warre.

My goverment of Barghen is disposd of; Their anger now against us all profest, And in your ruyn all must fall. Bar. A prisoner! Modesbargen fledd! I am glad he is scapt their fingers. Now if the devill had but this Leidenberge I were safe enough. What a dull foole was I, A stupid foole, to wrap up such a secreat In a sheepes hart! ô I could teare my flesh now And beat my leaden braines! Son.

I know not nor I wish it not, But if he have a fowle hart't has byn hid long, And cunningly that poyson has byn carried. Vand. But why a father to theis new professions? Why should he strengthen those opinions That all true learning much laments and greives at And sincks the soules sweet union into ruyn?

The Prince of Orange, Most thinck, affects him not, nor he the Prince. That either of their angry wills should prove A lawful act to ruyn one another, And not a medium of more open Justice, More equall and more honorable, step in, Man had no powre to stand nor fall with honour. If he be falce, honest and upright proofes Will ripen the Imposture. Enter Barnavelt and his Son. Vand.