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Gentlemen, I shall a while entreat ye to forbeare The troble that you put upon yourselves In following me. I can need no defence here, Being left among these whose grave counsailes ever Have lookd out for my safetie. 'Tis your pleasure And therefore I embrace it. Vand.

Vand. This disposition in your Excellence Do's well becom you, but would wrong our iudgements To call one as a partner to these counsailes That is suspected, and ev'n then when all His dark designes and deepest purposes Are to be sifted. Bred. It were most unfit, And therefore we entreat your Highnes to Presse it no further. Or. My good lords, your pardon; You are your owne disposers.

The Bisshoppes in the firste Churche, did litle or nothyng diffre from other Priestes, and ware ruled by the commune Counsailes of the Churche, before that dissencion and deuision entred emong the people, causing theim in sondrie sortes, to cleaue vnto sondrie names, euery sorte as thei fortuned to be conuerted and Christened of a sondrie persone.

Farwell, my lords: to all your Counsailes fortune, Happie succes and proffit; peace to this Cuntry; And to you all, that I have bredd like children, Not a more faithfull father but more fortunate. Doe not I stay too long? 2 Lord. Take your owne time, Sir. Bar.

These mighte not then gouerne their Clergie, and other their Diocesans, at their owne pleasure, as thei did before: but acording to the decrees of the Churche of Rome, and the holie Counsailes of the fathers assembled. That the parishe should obeie their lawfull Persone, the Persone the Deane: the Deane the Bishoppe: the Bishoppe, the Archebishoppe.

We know your oild tongue; and your rethorique Will hardly work on us that are acquainted With what faire language your ill purposes Are ever cloathd, nor ever wilbe won To undervalue him whose least fam'd service Scornes to be put in ballance with the best Of all your Counsailes; and for his faith, O heaven! It do's as far transcend yours in your praires As light do's darkness. Leid.

Let them have it: And all that plot against the generall good Learne from this mans example, great in age, Greater in wealth and in authoritie, But matchles in his worldly pollicie, That there is one above that do's deride The wisest counsailes that are misaplide. Enter Harlem, Leyden & Utrecht Executioners. Har. Now hard and sharpe, for a wager, who shall doe it.

This diligence maketh that the enemie cannot but with difficultie, practise with thy capitaines, and have knowlege of thy counsailes: which thing if of the Romaines, had not been diligently observed, Claudius Nero could not, havyng Aniball nere hym, depart from his Campe, whiche he had in Lucania, and to go and to retourne from Marca, without Aniball should have firste heard thereof some thyng.

No; this ungratefull Cuntry, this base people, Most base to my deserts, shall first with horrour Know he that could defeat the Spanish counsailes And countermyne their dark works, he that made The State what 'tis, will change it once againe Ere fall with such dishonour. Mod.

Nay, more; that without him dispaire and ruyn Had ceazd on all and buried quick our safeties. Gro. That had not he in act betterd our counsailes And in his execution set them off, All we designd had ben but as a tale Forgot as soone as told. Leid.