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You are governd More by your feare then reason. Mod. May it prove soe: That way I would be guiltie. Bar. How appeere The new raisd Companies? Leid. They stand full and faithfull; And for the Burgers, they are well affected To our designes. The Arminians play their parts too, And thunder in their meetings hell and dampnation To such as hold against us. Bar. Leid.

I perceive 'tis true That such as flatter Servants make them prowd. Wee'll use a rougher way, and here commaund you To leave the Towne, and sodainely, if you wish not To be forced hence. 1 Cap. Your new raisd Companies Of such as never saw the Enemie Can hardly make that good: we were placed here By the allowaunce of the generall States And of the Prince to keep it to their use. Leuit.

And this Sent from the Lords of Utrecht, where 'tis prov'd That the new Companies were raisd by you, And to what purpose. William. To subvert Religion, To deface Justice and to breake the union And holly League betweene the Provinces. Vand. Your plott here to withdraw all the old Soldiers From the Commandement of the States, and wyn them To serve for your ends in a Civill war. Bred.

I, now methincks I feele the happynes Of being sproong from such a noble father, That sacrifizd his honour, life and fortune For his lov'd Cuntry. Will. All feele sencibly, And every noble hart laments their miseries, And every eie, that labours not with mallice, Sees your great services and through what dangers You have raisd those noble speritts monuments. Or.

Your owne late actions they have raisd a war Against your former merritts, and defeated What ever then was ranckt for good and great, For which your Enemies, those that you thought frends, Triumph, not wee. Bre. We rather wish you could Acquitt yourself of that for which we have Too evident prooffes, then labour to intrap you. Bar.

Shall Barnavelt That now should studie how to die, propound New waies to get a name? or keep a being A month or two to ruyn whatsoever The good succes of forty yeeres employment In the most serious affaires of State Have raisd up to his memory? And for what? Glory, the popular applause, fine purchase For a gray beard to deale in! Gro. You offend him. Mod.

You taint me, Sir, with syns concerne my manners, If I have such Ile studdy to correct 'em; But, should I taint you, I should charge ye deeper: The cure of those would make ye shrinck and shake, too, Shake of your head. Bar. You are too weak ith' hams, Sir. Or. Who raisd these new religious forces, Sir, And by what warrant? what assignement had ye From the States generall? who blew new fires?

Ile to the new raisd Soldiers And make them firme. Giles. Ile muster up the Burgers And make them stand upon their guard. Mod. For me Ile not be wanting. Bar. Ile back to the Hage And something there Ile doe that shall divert The torrent that swells towards us, or sinck in it; And let this Prince of Orange seat him sure, Or he shall fall when he is most secure.

About two yeares since in the streetes of Rome he slew the onely and eldest brother I had named Bartoll, in quarrelling about a curtizan. The newes brought to me as I was sitting in my shop vnder a stall knocking in of tackes, I think I raisd vp my bristles, solde pritchaule, spunge, blacking tub, and punching yron, bought mee rapier and pistoll, and to goe I went.