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Updated: September 14, 2024

We dined together at the inn; during the dinner we had music, for a Welsh harper stationed in the passage played upon his instrument "Codiad yr ehedydd." "Of a surety," said I, "I am in Wales!" Llangollen Wyn Ab Nudd The Dee Dinas Bran.

There aboute growethe no wyn ne fruyt, but litylle or elle non. In this lond, is the erthe more highe than in ony other; and that makethe gret cold. And there hen many gode watres, and gode welles, that comen undre erthe, fro the flom of paradys, that is clept Eufrates, that is a jorneye besyde that cytee. And that ryvere comethe towardes Ynde, undre erthe, and restorethe into the lond of Altazar.

Dutton, taking the pretty boy almost reverently on his knee, 'but he is at home now. I could not leave him out on the street, and I did not know if I might bring him in. 'Oh, Mr. Dutton! as if Monsieur would not be welcome, cried the Nuttie of old times. 'I only wish I had stipulated for him, dear old fellow. 'Wyn want to see him, reiterated the child.

'I will not go with you, said I. 'Dost thou see that man in the ford? 'Who is staring at us so, and whose horse has not yet done drinking? Of course I see him. 'I shall turn back with him. God bless you. 'Go back with him not, said Peter; 'he is one of those whom I like not, one of the clibberty-clabber, as Master Ellis Wyn observes turn not with that man.

"Of course, Peter, some one may want your help." "Then I will get down, though I do not like this place, it is frequented by Egyptians, and I do not like their yellow faces, nor their clibberty clabber, as Master Ellis Wyn says. Now, I am down. It is a tent, Winifred, and see, here is a boy beneath it. Merciful father! what a face!"

"I will not go with you," said I. "Dost thou see that man in the ford?" "Who is staring at us so, and whose horse has not yet done drinking? Of course I see him." "I shall turn back with him. God bless you!" "Go back with him not," said Peter, "he is one of those whom I like not, one of the clibberty-clabber, as Master Ellis Wyn observes turn not with that man."

Henry Bailley was equal to the auspicious occasion. "Greet chere made our hoste us everichon, And to the soper sette he us anon; And served us with vitaille at the beste. Strong was the wyn, and wel to drinke us leste." But the host of the Tabard was more than an efficient caterer; he was something of a diplomatist also.

You know the Prince and know his noble nature, I thinck you know his powre, too: of all your wisdomes This will not show the least nor prove the meanest In good mens eyes, I thinck, in all that know ye, To seeke his love: gentle and faire demeanours Wyn more then blowes and soften stubborne angers. Let me perswade ye. Bar.

In 1773 we find this advertisement: "Very rich Cut Glass Candlesticks, cut Glass sugar Boxes & Cream Potts, Wine, Wine & Water, and Beer Glasses with cut shanks, Jelly & Syllabub Glasses, Glass Salvers, also Cyder Glasses, Free Mason Glasses, Orange & Top Glasses, Glass Cans, Glass Cream Buckets and Crewits, Royal Arch Mason Glasses, Glass Pyramids with Jelly Glasses, Globe & Barrel Lamps, Double Flynt Wyn Glasses," &c.

Dutton, remonstrated the sister; and Alwyn obeyed so far as to submit to his father's embrace, and then raising those velvety eyes to the visitor's face, he repeated: 'Where black doggie? Wyn want to see him buy bun. 'There! your fame has preceded you, said Mr. Egremont, 'or rather your dog's. 'You shall see him, said Mr.

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