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It is said he hath applied to Richard to be admitted within the pale of chivalry." "By Saint Bernard!" exclaimed the Grand Master, "it were time then to throw off our belts and spurs, Sir Conrade, deface our armorial bearings, and renounce our burgonets, if the highest honour of Christianity were conferred on an unchristened Turk of tenpence."

I gave you one refusal to argue that, so quit your fuss and cease your foolish chatter; it is beneath me to discuss a purely business matter. I point out all the shabby tricks which now disgrace our politics, those tricks which shame the devil; I ask the voters to deface corruption and our country place upon a higher level.

It made them feel that they were doing an educated sort of thing to travel through a country whose commonest advertisements were in idiomatic French, and Miss Winchelsea made unpatriotic comparisons because there were weedy little sign-board advertisements by the rail side instead of the broad hoardings that deface the landscape in our land.

But neither would I make such an assertion; for it would be unjust to you; nor, I am sure, would you concede its truth: and if Aeschines were acting honestly, he would not have been trying to deface and misrepresent the greatest of your glories, in order to satisfy his hatred towards me.

His aim in life was to do as his father had done, to 'deface the coinage', but on a much larger scale. He would deface all the coinage current in the world. Every conventional stamp was false. The men stamped as generals and kings; the things stamped as honour and wisdom and happiness and riches; all were base metal with lying superscriptions.

The perpetual wranglings, ceaseless distractions, irreconcilable contradictions, disquieting doubts, discouraging outlooks, inharmonious and jangling opinions, unaccountable delusions, clashing and crashing dissonances, cruel hatreds, bitter enmities and stormful convulsions, which so largely enter and deface the course of human history, proceed mainly from his influence.

Have you ever approached them, or met them, without longing to tear, to deface, what is so dishonourable?" "Dishonourable!" echoed Lovel "in what respect dishonourable?" "I mean, disgraceful to the arts." "Where? how?"

No poverty could remove nor deface the indelible stamp of superiority which good blood and culture had given them as birthrights.

Wherefore I have resolved that we will rather be God’s soldiers, than soldiers of the Pope of Rome; and in that mind I now cut the Papal Cross out of this banner." And so he did. And thus, in a province belonging to the crown of England, a captain was found bold enough to deface the King’s banner with his sword.

"That's me," answered Maw; "I don't deny it." "Did you write that on the formation?" Maw could not tell a lie any more than George Washington when caught, so she confessed on the spot. "Then you are under arrest! Don't you know it's against the regulations to deface any natural object in the park? I'll have to telephone in the number of your car.