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Hoo cud ye speir sic a queston, laddie? 'He maun be sair changed, grannie. He maun be turnin' auld by this time. 'Auld! Sic like 's yersel, laddie. Hoots, hoots! ye're richt. I am forgettin'. But nanetheless wad I ken him. 'I wis I kent what he was like. I saw him ance hardly twise, but a' that I min' upo' wad stan' me in ill stead amo' the streets o' Lonnon. 'I doobt that, returned Mrs.

"That wad come till a trial o' brains, my lord," returned Malcolm; "an' ye dinna think I wadna hae the wit to speir advice an' what's mair, to ken whan it was guid, an' tak it! There's lawyers, my lord." "And their expenses?" "Who would see that you applied it properly?" "My ain conscience, my lord or Mr Graham, gien ye likit." "And how would you live yourself?" "Ow! lea' ye that to me, my lord.

They hae ba's o' 't i' their feet, an' they canna get a grip wi' them, nae mair nor ye cud yersel', mem, gien the soles o' yer shune war roon' an' made o'ice. But we'll sune set that richt. Hoo far hae ye come, mem, gien I may speir? Aigh, mem, its an unco nicht!"

I'll speir at Mag, blunt oot, if she'll let me aff. Yes, I'll put it to her plain." "You're sure Jeanie would take you?" "Ay; oh, there's nae fear o' that." "But if Mag keeps you to your bargain?" "Weel, in that case there's nae harm done." "You are in a great hurry, Gavin?" "Ye may say that; but I want to be married.

She threw up her chin and made a step and a cry at me, so that I fell back incontinent. "Out upon your leeing throat!" she cried. "What! ye come and speir at me! She's in jyle, whaur ye took her to that's all there is to it. And of a' the beings ever I beheld in breeks, to think it should be to you!

And syne he played them again aboot aucht o'clock at nicht, to lat them ken 'at it was time for dacent fowk to gang to their beds. Ye see, there wasna sae mony clocks and watches by half than as there is noo. 'Was he a guid piper, grannie? 'What for speir ye that? 'Because I tauld that sunk, Lumley 'Ca' naebody names, Robert. But what richt had ye to be speikin' to a man like that?

Her voice came feebly from the bed to Cosmo's ears, while he leaned back in her great chair, and Aggie was removing the tea-things. "Did ye ever dream ony mair aboot the auld captain, Cosmo?" she asked: from her tone he could not tell whether she spoke seriously, or was amusing herself with the idea. "No ance," he answered. "What gars ye speir, Grannie?"

"Tam Crann never sets ee upo' me, but he misca's me, an' I dinna like to be misca'd, mair nor ither fowk." "Ye get nae mair nor ye deserve, I doobt," returned George. "Here, tak the chisel, and cut that beadin' into len'ths." "I'm gaein' ower the water to speir efter Alec," was the excusatory rejoinder. "Ay, ay! pot and pan! What ails Alec noo?" "Mr Malison's nearhan' killed him.

It's sax year syne noo, and he got up and wes traivellin' fell hearty like yersel. Ay, ay, when tribble comes ye never ken hoo it 'ill end. A' thocht I wud come up and speir for ye. When I found George wrapped in his plaid beside the brier bush whose roses were no whiter than his cheeks, Kirsty was already installed as comforter in the parlour, and her drone came through the open window.

But I hae been weel and richteously punished! The Father drew his han' oot o' mine, and loot me try to gang my lane; sae doon I cam, for I was fit for naething but to fa': naething less could hae broucht me to mysel and it took a lang time! I houp Mr. Robertson will see the thing as I dee mysel! Wull I write and speir him oot to Stanecross to advise wi my father aboot Isy? That would bring him!