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I would like fine to see yon French nobleman, Davie; and I daresay you could find an employ to yoursel, and that would be to speir at the lassie for some news o' your affair. Just tell it to her plainly tell her ye're a muckle ass at the off-set; and then, if I were you, and ye could do it naitural, I would just mint to her I was in some kind of a danger; a' weemenfolk likes that."

Gien ye had nane to gie me, I wad set oot bare. But jist as ye like, Grizzie! I cud beg to be sure noo ye hae shawn the gait," he added, taking the old woman by the arm with a laugh, that she might not be hurt, "but whan ye ken ye sudna speir, an' whan ye hae, ye hae no richt to beg."

"But what I want to speir at you is, can I gang down to the Tenements for a minute? I'll run there and back." "Certainly you can go, Jean, but you must not run. You are always running. Did Dow bring you word that you were wanted in the Tenements?" "No exactly, but I I want to consult Tammas Haggart about about something." "About Dow, I believe, Jean?" "Na, but about something he has done.

"Your daughter loves Richard Jennifer well and truly; and with this entanglement brushed aside she will marry him when he comes back from the wars." "She will, ye say? And what will become o' the braw acres of Appleby that gait, I'd like to know? But ye're daft, man; clean daft. Didn't I speir her giving him his quittance once for all that night when he rode away after they had pitten ye to bed?

But whan Miss Letty cried doon the close upo' me, she had her awpron till her een, an' I thocht something bude to be wrang; but I hadna the hert to speir. Robert darted to the door, and rushed to the inn, leaving Caumill describing iambi on the road behind him. When he reached The Boar's Head there was nobody to be seen. He darted up the stair to the room where he had first waited upon Ericson.

"If you dinna believe me," Blinder said, "look if the roses is no red on the bush at Pyotdykes, which was a split frae Buchan's, and speir whether they're no named the blood rose." "I believe you," Tommy would say breathlessly: "go on." Captain Body was back in the Den by and by, but he had no thought of preeing lasses' mouths now.

"Ye may weel speir, missie! but I hae ill tellin' ye. "I should like to ask Donal what book he has got," said Ginny. "I'll cry till 'im, an' ye can speir," said Nicie. "Donal! Donal!" Donal looked up, and seeing his sister, came running to the bank of the stream. "Canna ye come ower, Donal?" said Nicie. "Here's Miss Galbraith wants to spier ye a question."

"Weel, mem, I wad jist like to speir what waur it is to fancy yersel' a burn, than to fancy the burn a body, ae time singin' an' chatterin', an' the neist growlin' an' grum'lin'." "Well, but, Donal, can a man be a burn?" "Weel, mem, no at least no i' this warl', an' at 'is ain wull. But whan ye're lyin' hearkenin' to the burn, did ye never imagine yersel' rinnin' doon wi' 't doon to the sea?"

"But jist ye speir at yer new maister," Grannie went on, "what he thinks aboot it, for I ance h'ard him speyk richt wise words to my gudeson, James Gracie, anent sic things.

This has taen a heap o' time, an' painsfu' labour a deal mair nor some o' 's wad think it worth, I doobt! It's the w'y o' the haithens wi' their graven eemages, but what for a horsie like this, I dinna ken. Hooever, that's naither here nor there: ye didna come to me to speir hoo or what for it was made; it's what is 't made o' 's the question.