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Sam Brewster half arose to congratulate the two young people, but Sary's dish was in the way. He bumped his head and the dish slid from her hands. Sary threw up both hands in dismay there was the milk-toast spattered all over the ground! But a laugh from her mistress caused her to look in the direction the family-group were gazing.

Having no stops to make for a long stretch, and the track running on a level line for many miles, the engineer increased the speed of his engine with corresponding results in Sary's anxiety. She stepped over Jeb's obstructing feet and made madly for the conductor, taking that worthy man quite by surprise. "See here, Mr. Boss, Ah ain't going to pay fer no ticket to ride on a runaway injun!

But Polly Brewster and her friend Eleanor Maynard were almost talked out by the time they finished the last bit of Sary's delicious dessert; and Barbara Maynard tried her best to hide a yawn behind her hand, while Anne Stewart, the pretty teacher who was the fourth member in the party that spent a night in the cave, was eager to continue planning for the future of the mine, but Nature demanded rest after the three days' excitement.

He had times when he wasn't feeling quite right in his head." The burly individual whistled softly to himself. "Then I reckon Sary was right, arter all," he half mused. "Sary? Who do you mean?" "Sary's my wife. She woke me up about five o'clock this mornin'. We live up in the shanty yonder. Sary said she heard somebody moanin' an' yellin' down here.

But the mistress had heard of Sary's proneness to gossip and so replied: "We don't consider wealth worth anything unless you know what to do with it. We live as comfortably as we like, and try to use what is left in helping others." Sary made no reply to this statement, but watched Mrs. Brewster go to the window and pull on the cord that was stretched at one side of the window-frame.

Jeb stood by grinning widely at the praise bestowed upon him for his choice of the largest stone in the department store. "Cost some cash, that stone, eh Jeb?" chuckled Sam Brewster. "Bet chure life, Boss!" was Jeb's snappy reply. Eleanor now pulled Sary's head down in order to whisper into her ear. "Sary, when you get back to Pebbly Pit, Mrs.

Sary's been living among fine folks, and having a gay, exciting time, and it stands to reason she'll think White Sands fearful lonesome and dull. Look at Lauretta Bradley. She was up in Boston for just a month last winter and she's never been able to endure White Sands since." "Lauretta Bradley and Sara Shaw are two different people," said Sara's father, trying to smile.

The girls were so intensely amused over this new development in Sary's affairs that they forgot about their own ambitions for the time being. "Of course, Ah said that!" affirmed Sary, when all other escape by excuses seemed vain.

"Sary, I know right well he will!" declared Eleanor, not dreaming the mischief she wrought in Sary's soul at that. Sary pranced back to the kitchen, but her flighty thoughts were swinging corners in the quadrille with Jeb, and the fried potatoes were gracefully shot into the coal-scuttle as the pan was waved aloft in imitation of dancers she had envied in days gone by.

In fact, so tender was it, that Sary blamed Bill for having died so recently instead of two years back. She might have now been ending her second year of mourning! Eleanor being trained to the wiles of polite society, saw and understood Sary's flash of resentment, so she turned to Mrs.