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Alors le seigneur se leva: il descendit deux marches pour s'approcher de l'ambassadeur et le prit par la main. Celui-ci voulut lui baiser la sienne; mais il s'y refusa, et demanda par la voie d'un interprète Juif qui savoit le Turc et l'Italien, comment se portoit son bon frère et voisin le duc de Milan. L'ambassadeur répondit

This is my court train, snatching a tablecloth that bung on a hush near by, and pinning it to her waist in the twinkling of an eye, 'this my farthingale, dangling her sun-bonnet from her belt, 'this my sceptre, seizing a Japanese umbrella, 'this my crown, inverting a bright tin plate upon her curly head. The Royal Feet must not be wet. "Go round the puddle? Prit, me Lud, 'Od's body! Forsooth!

Before those Memoirs saw the light, not a word is anywhere to be found on a point as obscure as it is delicate. After, Bussy was delighted to repeat La Rochefoucauld, and Madame de Longueville has thus fallen into the scandalous chronicle. "La Rochefoucauld, depuis assez longtemps ayant envie de la quitter, prit cette occasion avec joie." Mad. de Nemours, p. 150.

As the distance between the hostile bodies was apparently from twelve to fifteen miles, the French admiral's observations may have failed to recognize that the enemy, by backing his topsails, had offered a fair challenge; else, in his report of this very commonplace occurrence, he could scarcely have used, concerning the movement of heading south, the expression, prit chasse, which, whether rendered "retired," or "retreated," or, as Nelson did, "ran away," was a misrepresentation of the facts, and heightened by the assertion that he pursued till nightfall, and next morning could not see the enemy.

This alleged consent is, of course, mere farce. If there could be any doubt as to the meaning of the words of La Salle, as recorded in the Proces Verbal de la Prise de Possession de la Louisiana, it would be set at rest by Le Clercq, who says, "Le Sieur de la Salle prit au nom de sa Majeste possession de ce fleuve, de toutes les rivieres qui y entrent, et de tous les pays qu'elles arrosent."

"Gal make heap trouble 'fore you git um there. Ben him know. Him see in her eye how she hate you. Gals no good. Alwus make bad trouble for anybody. Men big fools over gals. Ben know. Once him git foolish over 'nother man's squaw. Heap fight over her. Prit' near git um head shot off. Let squaws 'lone sence that." "You cannot understand," declared Del Norte, with a gesture.

"Vers sept heurs le malade se trouvant seul avec Monsieur Svinine lui dit d'une voix affaiblie " Je veux absolument vous dicter une lettre. Monsieur Svinine prit la plume en gemissant et traça ce peu de lignes sous la dictée de Moreau.

By this time she was at the top of the tree, and now her grief changed to anger real anger and she sat on one of the boughs and scolded as hard as she could. Her funny little "prit, prit, p-r-i-t," amused the children, and the more she scolded the more they laughed.

Il n'agrandit point ses etats, Fut un voisin commode, Et, modele des potentats, Prit le plaisir pour code. Ce n'est que lorsqu'il expira, Que le peuple qui l'enterra Pleura. Oh! oh! oh! oh! ah! ah! ah! ah! &c. La, la. On conserve encor le portrait De ce digne et bon prince; C'est l'enseigne d'un cabaret Fameux dans la province.

The miserable death of the said Grimwood was, as John Foxe saith thus: That WHEN HE WAS IN HIS LABOUR, STAKING UP A GOSSE OF CORN, HAVING HIS HEALTH, AND FEARING NO PERIL, SUDDENLY HIS BOWELS FELL OUT OF HIS BODY, AND IMMEDIATELY MOST MISERABLY HE DIED. Now it so fell out that in the reign of Elizabeth, one Prit* became parson of the parish where the said Grimwood dwelt, and preaching against perjury, being not acquainted with his parishioners, cited the said story of Foxe, and it happened that Grimwood being alive, and in the said church, he brought an action upon the case, against the parson, but Judge Anderson, who sate at the Assizes in the county of Suffolk, did adjudge it not maintainable, because it was not spoken maliciously."