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"'Looks like it, ses Peter, dressing hisself very slowly. "'There's nobody'll mourn for me, that's one comfort, ses Ginger. "'Or me, ses Peter. "'P'r'aps Sam'll miss us a bit, ses Ginger, grinding 'is teeth as old Sam went on washing as if he was deaf. 'He'ss the only real pal we ever 'ad.

Couldn't have been much more than a flicker of a smile at that. But them keen old eyes of his don't miss much that's going on, even when he seems to be in a trance. He turns quick and gives me one of them quizzin' stares. "Funny, isn't it, son," says he, "that I should still be called Dear Old Pal by the most fascinating woman in the world?"

So 'twas hoist sail, up anchor and away, and though this galleon is no duck, being something lubberly on a wind, she should bear us home well enough. 'Tis long since I last clapped eye on old England, and never a day I ha'n't blessed that hour I met wi' you at the 'Hop-pole, for I'm rich, pal, rich, though I'd give a lot for a glimpse o' the child I left a babe and a kiss from his bonny mother."

I was ashamed to quit. I did it again. That won me another five days' cells. Picking a Pal for Switzerland Cold Feet The Talk in the Wood Nothing Succeeds Like Success and ! Simmons and Brumley Try Their Hand. Mervin Simmons of the 7th, and Frank Brumley of the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force were planning to escape. Word of it leaked through to me.

"Well, sir," said the soldier diffidently, "it's like this, sir, my pal Jarsper and me, 'aving heard of of your altered circumstances, sir, wishes it to be understood as once your pals, ever your pals, come shine, come rain.

Night was drawing in, but objects could still be distinguished, and in about five minutes Florestan whispered, "Look, there comes Modeste, and there is the lover, but he has a pal with him to-night. Why, what can she be telling him? He seems quite overcome."

The Hermit sprang to open it, giving a relieved laugh at sight of Pal upon the doorstep. But, strange to say, the dog would not enter. With a sharp bark he trotted a short distance down the path, looking back at his master. "No, no, Pal, I don't want to take a walk to-day.

She said "No" at fust, of course, but arter Ginger 'ad pointed out that Joe was at work all day and couldn't take 'er 'imself, and that 'e was Joe's uncle's best pal, she began to think better of it. "Why not?" ses her mother. "Joe wouldn't mind. He wouldn't be so silly as to be jealous o' Mr. Ginger Dick." "Of course not," ses the gal. "There's nothing to be jealous of."

They 'ad just got to the bottom of the Hill when Sam turned the corner. Peter wouldn't believe at fust that the old man wasn't really the worse for liquor, 'e was so lifelike. Many a drunken man would ha' been proud to ha' done it 'arf so well, and it made 'im pleased to think that Sam was a pal of 'is.

"Now, partner, turn loose and monopolize the physical training business of this city." "Partner!" scorned Mr. Bates. "Look here, old pal, there's only one way I'll take this big ticket, and that is that you'll drag down your split of the profits." "But don't I on this place?" protested Bobby. "Nit!" retorted Mr. Bates with infinite scorn.