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This last dayes danger having made Pamela's loue discerne what a losse it should haue suffered if Dorus had beene destroyed, bred such tendernesse of kindnesse in her toward him, that she could no longer keepe loue from looking out through her eyes, and going forth in her words; whom before as a close prisoner, shee had to her heart onely committed: so as finding not onely by his speeches and letters, but by the pitifull oration of a languishing behaviour, and the easily deciphered character of a sorrowfull face, that despaire began now to threaten him destruction, she grew content both to pitie him, and let him see shee pitied him. * by making her owne beautifull beames to thaw away the former ycinesse of her behaviour.

The king séeming to grant his resonable desire, yet told him that he must tarrie a parlement, that such offenders might be punished by iudgement of their péeres: and so for that time he was dismissed, with great loue and signes of fatherlie affection.

Where you desire and wish that betweene our Emperours Maiestie, and your Queenes Maiestie, their loue and amitie may not bee seperated at any time, but to continue: and you request mee that I should be good vnto the English Merchants, and to defend them from all such domages hereafter: your honours louing letter I haue therein throughly considered: and as I haue bene heretofore, so I will still continue to be a meane betwixt our Lorde and kings Maiestie, and your great Lady the Queene her hignesse, for the mainteyning of brotherly loue and amitie, most ioyfully and willingly, as God knoweth, aswel hereafter as I haue been heretofore: praying you to doe the like also.

Those that were immediatly to come after vs they imagined to be in the aire, yet inuisible and without bodies, and that by our intreatie and for the loue of vs, did make the people to die in that sort as they did, by shooting inuisible bullets into them.

The thought of that poor wife had haunted her pillow. She had deemed it best but just to us all, in a word, to despatch Auguste the one inn waiter, to hear the verdict. Tiens, there he was now, turning the street corner. "Il est acquitte!" rang through the streets. "He is acquitted he is acquitted! Le bon Dieu soit loue! Henri Ernest Monsieur Terier, he is acquitted he is acquitted! I tell you!"

We the great Lord, king, and great Duke Theodore Iuanowich of all Russia, haue firmely giuen and graunted vnto the aforesaide English merchants Sir Iohn Hart and his company, for the loue we beare to our deare sister Queene Elizabeth, we I say of our gracious goodnes haue giuen leaue to trauel and passe to our royall seat of Mosco, and to all the parts of our kingdome with all kinde of commodities, and to trafficke with all kinde of wares at their owne pleasure, without paying any custome of their said wares.

'Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui. 'Quelque bien qu'on nous dise de nous, on ne nous apprend rien de nouveau. 'On croit quelquefois haïr la flatterie, mais on ne hait que le manière de flatter. 'Le refus de la louange est un désir d'être loué deux fois. 'Les passions les plus violentes nous laissent quelquefois du relâche, mais la vanité nous agite toujours. No more powerful dissolvent for the self-complacency of humanity was ever composed.

Not a litle was I delighted with this vnexpected loue story, especially from a mouth out of which was nought wont to march but sterne precepts of grauitie and modestie. I sweare vnto you I thought his companie the better by a thousande crownes, because he had discarded those nice tearmes of chastitie and continencie.

The accounts we had heard of the glacière or glacières every one declined to call them caves were so various, and the total denials of their existence so many, that we quietly made up our minds to disappointment, and agreed that what we had seen at the source of the Loue was quite sufficient to repay us for the trouble we had taken; while the idea of a rapid raid into France had something attractive in it, which more than counterbalanced the old charms of Soleure.

Everywhere we find haymakers at work, and picturesque figures they are. Ornans is lovely, and no wonder that Courbet was so fond of it. Nestled in a deep valley of green rocks and vineyards, and built on the banks of the transparent Loue, its quaint spire rising from the midst, it commends itself alike to artist, naturalist, and angler.