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It was a correspondence between a master and a pupil: Frederick, his passions divided between German philosophy and French poetry, poured out with equal copiousness disquisitions upon Free Will and la raison suffisante, odes sur la Flatterie, and epistles sur l'Humanité, while Voltaire kept the ball rolling with no less enormous philosophical replies, together with minute criticisms of His Royal Highness's mistakes in French metre and French orthography.

'Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui. 'Quelque bien qu'on nous dise de nous, on ne nous apprend rien de nouveau. 'On croit quelquefois haïr la flatterie, mais on ne hait que le manière de flatter. 'Le refus de la louange est un désir d'être loué deux fois. 'Les passions les plus violentes nous laissent quelquefois du relâche, mais la vanité nous agite toujours. No more powerful dissolvent for the self-complacency of humanity was ever composed.

Que l'Angleterre se montre clemente, qu'elle ouvre ses bras pour recevoir comme hote son ennemi desarme. L'Angleterre aurait peut-etre ecoute ce conseii, car partout et toujours il y a des ames faibles et timorees bientot seduites par la flatterie ou effrayees par le reproche.

On Saturday I had some copies of my American edition, which dazzle the English one; and one or two reviews, transatlantically transcendental in 'oilie flatterie. And I heard yesterday from the English publisher Moxon, and he was 'happy to tell me that the work was selling very well, and this without an inquiry on my part. To say the truth, I was afraid to inquire. It is good news altogether.

This fond persuasion he could not dissemble, neither in himself, nor in his peoples, in so much that Milan day and night was replenished with voices vaine and glorious, celebrating with verses Latine and vulgar and with publicke orations full of flatterie, the wonderfull wisedom of Lodowike Sforce, on the which they made to depend the peace and warre of Italy, exalting his name even to the third heaven."

Therefore to reprooue the fond flatterie of such vaine persons, he deuised and practised the déed before mentioned, thereby both to reprooue such flatterers, and also that men might be admonished to consider the omnipotencie of almightie God.