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I must confess that, in view of the ``Affaire Kelly, these instructions chilled me. Fortunately, Bismarck was just then taking his usual cure at Kissingen, during which he always refused to consider any matter of business; but, on his return to Berlin, I sent him a note requesting an audience for this special American representative.

Still, Tom had honour enough in him to be silent on the point, even to Claude. "By the by, have you heard from the wanderers this week?" "I heard from Sabina this morning. Marie is very poorly, I fear. They have been at Kissingen, bathing; and are going to Bertrich: somebody has recommended the baths there." "Bertrich! Where's Bertrich?"

In this letter he also speaks of the death of his youngest brother, Richard C. Morse, who died at Kissingen on September 22, 1868, and in a letter to his son Arthur, of October 11, he again refers to it, and adds: "It is a sad blow to all of us but particularly to the large circle of his children. Your two uncles and your father were a three-fold cord, strongly united in affection.

After the marriage ceremony, the happiest and handsomest pair in the world drove off in a chaise-and-four, to pass the honeymoon at Kissingen. The Lady Theodora, whom we left locked up in her convent a long while since, was prevailed upon to come back to Godesberg, where she was reconciled to her husband.

Thereupon Bismarck took two of the mugs in immediate succession; poured their contents down his throat, evidently with great gusto; and a burly peasant just back of me, unable longer to restrain his admiration, soliloquized in a deep, slow, guttural, reverberating rumble: ``A-a-a-ber er sieht sehr-r-r gut aus. So it struck me also; the waters of Kissingen had evidently restored the great man, and he looked like a Titan ready for battle.

There was a churlish and unusual look about him. "Lord Monmouth suggests that, as you were tired of Paris, your ladyship might find the German baths at Kissingen agreeable. A paragraph in the 'Morning Post' would announce that his lordship was about to join you; and even if his lordship did not ultimately reach you, an amicable separation would be effected." In vain Lucretia stormed. Mr.

This doubt poisoned the charm of her new life. Before the end of the course of drinking the waters, Prince Shtcherbatsky, who had gone on from Carlsbad to Baden and Kissingen to Russian friends to get a breath of Russian air, as he said came back to his wife and daughter. The views of the prince and of the princess on life abroad were completely opposed.

"You are looking very well, Clara," she said. "Let me see you went to Kissingen in the summer, didn't you?" "Of course I did," laughed her ladyship. "It was delicious! I suppose you know Lennie came after me there! Wasn't it ridiculous!" Mrs. Marvelle coughed dubiously. "Didn't Winsleigh put in an appearance at all?" she asked. Lady Clara's brow clouded. "Oh yes! For a couple of weeks or so.

Yes, but when things were so quiet and comfortable, when the ladies of the two families had met at the Congress of Baden, and liked each other so much, when Barnes and his papa the Baronet, recovered from his illness, were actually on their journey from Aix-la-Chapelle, and Lady Kew in motion from Kissingen to the Congress of Baden, why on earth should Jack Belsize, haggard, wild, having been winning great sums, it was said, at Hombourg, forsake his luck there, and run over frantically to Baden?

Newcome, upon family matters, and I frankly tell you that I think, for your own sake, you would be much better away. I wrote my daughter a great scolding when I heard that you were in this place." "But it was by the merest chance, mamma, indeed it was," cries Lady Anne. "Of course, by the merest chance, and by the merest chance I heard of it too. A little bird came and told me at Kissingen.