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"There is no doubt of that." "T'ank ye, Marse Hesden, t'ank ye," said Nimbus. "I'se glad ter know I hain't been a fool allus, ef I is now. But now I t'inks on't, Marse Hesden, I'd like ter know what come of dem men dat 'Gena an' me put our marks on dat night."

"Mistah Poynteh," reflected Ras, scratching his head through his hat, "is a lunatict. He gits notions. I cain't nohow understan' him but s'long as he don' get ructious I'se gwine drive dat hay-cart to de Norf Pole if he say de word. I hain't never had a real chanst to make my fortune afore." "And what," begged Diane presently, "do you do when it rains?" Mr.

Now, if ye let me stay quietly here the night wi' the Captain, I'se pay ye double fees for the room; and if ye say no, ye shall hae the best sark-fu' o' sair banes that ever ye had in your life the first time ye set a foot by Liddel Moat!

"Foh Gawd, Ole Cap'n, I sutn'ly is glad to fine you. I wish you'd jes show me how to wuk this gun. I'se gwine to fight right side o' you you heah me." "Go back, Bob," said Crittenden, firmly. "Silence in the ranks," roared a Lieutenant. Bob hesitated. Just then a company of the Tenth Cavalry filed down the road as they were deployed to the right.

I'll tell ye all about it; I will indeed, my lord. Quiet, Martha, I tell ye. It's I, my lord, that's guilty, not the woman. God bless ye, my lord; not the wife! Doant hurt the wife, and I'se tell ye all about it. I alone am guilty; not, the Lord be praised, of murder, but of robbery!" "John! John!" sobbed the wife, clinging passionately to her husband, "let us die together!"

"Oh!" exclaimed the woman, prolonging the monosyllable almost into a sneer, "jes come in. I'se mighty sorry de candle all burnt out an done gone." Mabel entered the house, and sat down in the dim light. "Is Missus 'lone mong dese hills?" said the woman, retreating to the darkest corner of the room. "Yes, I am alone!" answered Mabel.

Oh, Helen, we're found we're found!" and she fell to sobbing on her sister's shoulder. Ruth and Alice, too, clasped their arms about each other. All their troubles seemed over now. "Do you think you can pilot us to that steamer?" asked Russ. "I shore can, honey lamb!" chuckled the old negro. "I'se libbed in dese waters boy an' man all mah life. Yo' can't lose me!"

He was born in 1842 and was owned by Howell Magee. He is five feet six inches tall, and weighs about 150 pounds. His general coloring is blackish-brown with white kinky hair. He is in fairly good health. "I'se always lived right here in Hinds County. I's seen Jackson grow from de groun' up.

At this moment, George espied Uncle Sheba, who certainly appeared, in the general craze, to have a sense of his besetting sin; for he was yelling at the top of his lungs, "I'se gwine ter wuck in de mawnin'." Suddenly there burst through the crowd an apparition before which he quailed; his jaw dropped and his howl degenerated into a groan.

"'Well, returned Hornblower; 'first I motion to adjourn the Court and go drink all round, at your store; after which I further motion that Jacob and me go down into the cellar of your house "'Into my cellar! interrupted the Squire, suddenly: 'not a step! I'se settled the case, and there's no moving judgment.