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A bright flame leaped up in the fire and showed all three faces to one another Mary's face, with its quietly absorbed expression of attentive interest Reay's strongly moulded features, just now somewhat sternly shadowed by bitter memories and Helmsley's thin, worn, delicately intellectual countenance, which in the brilliant rosy light flung upon it by the fire-glow, was like a fine waxen mask, impenetrable in its unmoved austerity and calm.

And she smiled as she put Helmsley's cup of tea before him, and gently patted his wrinkled hand in the caressing fashion a daughter might show to a father whose health gave cause for anxiety. "Well, I certainly don't go down to the shore in any such expectation!" said Reay, laughing "Fortunes are not so easily picked up, are they, David?"

I should not be able to bear it! You see I'm a business man" here he took off his spectacles and rubbed them vigorously "and my position is that of the late Mr. David Helmsley's solicitor. In that position I am bound to tell you the straight truth because I'm afraid you don't grasp it at all.

"She is a dear old soul!" he said, "and Twitt is a rough diamond of British honesty. Such men as he keep the old country together and help to establish its reputation for integrity. But that man Arbroath ought to be kicked out of the Church! In fact, I as good as told him so!" "You did!" And Helmsley's sunken eyes began to sparkle with sudden animation. "Upon my word, sir, you are very bold!"

Tom o' the Gleam gave vent to a loud laugh, and throwing himself back in his chair, crossed his long legs and administered a ferocious twirl to his moustache, humming carelessly under his breath: "'And they called the parson to marry them, But devil a bit would he For they were but a pair of dandy prats As couldn't pay devil's fee!" Helmsley's curiosity was excited.

No it hasn't come off yet but it will. The venerable bridegroom that is to be has just gone abroad somewhere so I see by one of the 'Society' rags, probably to the States to make some more 'deals' in cash before his wedding." "You know his name, then?" "Oh yes! Everybody knows it, and knows him too! David Helmsley's too rich to hide his light under a bushel! They call him 'King David' in the city.

Did it not seem that, notwithstanding his, Helmsley's, self-admitted worthlessness, the Divine Power had used him for the happiness of others, to serve as a link of love between two deserving souls? He began to think that it was not by chance that he had been led to wander away from the centre of his business interests, and lose himself on the hills above Weircombe.

"I'm sorry," and the lawyer's shrewd yet kindly eyes looked somewhat troubled "I'm very sorry that my old friend hasn't taken you with him, Benson." Benson caught the ring of sympathetic interest in his voice and at once responded to it. "Well, sir, so am I!" he said heartily. "For Mr. Helmsley's over seventy, and he isn't as strong as he thinks himself to be by a long way.

And I am going to take care of him," here she gave a consoling little pressure to the hand she held. "I am indeed! And he must do as he is told, and take off his wet clothes and get ready for bed!" Something in Helmsley's throat tightened like the contraction of a rising sob. "You will risk all this trouble," he faltered "for a stranger who who cannot repay you ? " "Now, now!

"Very right very proper!" murmured Mr. Owlett, as he took the offered document from Helmsley's hand and opened it "Um um! let me see! " Here he read aloud "I, David Helmsley, um um! Helmsley Helmsley! that's a name that I seem to have heard somewhere! David Helmsley! yes! why that's the name of a multi-millionaire! ha-ha-ha! A multi-millionaire! That's curious!