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Portons armes! Presentons armes! How beautifully you do it! Par le flanc gauche! En avant marche!" Maurice swung, clicked his heels and, with a covert glance at Madame, led the way into the dining hall, whistling, "Behold the saber of my father!" "Ah, I do not see the Colonel," said Maurice; for night and day the old soldier had been with them.

At the great gates of the fortifications the pilgrim descends, and behold, a howling chorus of serving-people take up the chant of: "Chez Madame Poulard, a gauche, a la renommee de l'omelette!" The inner walls of the town lend themselves to their last and best estate, that of proclaiming the glory of "L'Omelette."

It was now let out to a multitude of families, who began downstairs in affluence and ended in the genteel or artistic penury of the garrets. The first floor was occupied by a deputy and ex-minister, one of the leaders of the Centre Gauche in the garrets it was possible for a rapin to find a bedroom at sixteen francs a month.

From Admiral Saunders I learned that Bigot had recovered from his hurt, which had not been severe, and of the death of Monsieur Cournal, who had ridden his horse over the cliff in the dark. From the Admiral I came to General Wolfe at Montmorenci. I shall never forget my first look at my hero, my General, that flaming, exhaustless spirit, in a body so gauche and so unshapely.

We were at the small, cheap hotel on "la rive gauche" where we'd stayed and been happy three years ago, before starting on our holiday trip. When we came back after the interview with Doctor Cuyler, Brian was looking done up, and I persuaded him to lie down and rest. No one else could have slept, after so heavy a blow of disappointment, without a drug, but Brian is a law unto himself.

Madame von Marwitz sent her presents from Paris; a wonderful white silk dressing-gown; a box of chocolate; a charming bit of old enamel picked up in a rive gauche curiosity shop. Then one day she wrote to say that Tallie had been quite ill povera vecchia and would Karen be a kind, kind child and run down and see her at Les Solitudes. Gregory had not forgotten the plan for having Mrs.

He stood hesitating, gauche, as usual. 'Do you know, Mr. Langham, said Rose lightly, by his side, 'that there is no time at all left for you to give me good advice in? That is an obligation still hanging over you.

They are so good and industrious; and come home to their wives, and take care of their children. But why do they make themselves so so what the French call gauche?" "Good and industrious, and come home to their wives!" thought I. "I believe you hardly understand us as yet," I answered.

I will not run the risk of weakening the force of Moerenhout's description of the prophetic state by translating it: "Un individu, dans cet etat, avait le bras gauche enveloppe d'un morceau d'etoffe, signe de la presence de la Divinite. Il ne parlait que d'un ton imperieux et vehement. Ses attaques, quand il allait prophetiser, etaient aussi effroyables qu'imposantes.

That natural desire of youth just to see and to know, that had carried us up and down the Boulevards of the Rive Gauche in pursuit of its poets, sent us to the Casino de Paris and the Moulin Rouge.