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As he had expected, Judge Roseberry was lounging on the bench outside, spouting politics to some loafer companions. "Keep right with me, Mr. Dobbins," directed Frank. "I shall need your services." "Drat me, if I can understand what you're getting at, lad," said Dobbins desperately, "but I'll stick, if I can be of any use to you." Frank marched straight up to the crowd in front of the tavern.

The real Simon Pure, in his own snug little corner, writhed again. Mrs. Quarles started at the noise, looked up the chimney, under the bed, tried the doors and windows, and actually went so near the mark as to turn the handle of the shower-bath; "Drat it," said she, "Sarah must ha' took away the key: well, there can't be nothing there but cloaks, that's one comfort."

"And you'd better not, as far as I'm concerned, not as long as the pokers and tongs are about." And then there was silence between them for awhile. "Maryanne," he began again, "can't you find out about this Johnson?" "No; I can't," said she. "You'd better." "Then I won't," said she. "I'll tell you what it is, then, Maryanne. I don't see my way the least in life about this money." "Drat your way!

She flushed and winced before citizens who a week ago had been amusing objects of study, and in their good-mornings she heard a cruel sniggering. She encountered Juanita Haydock at Ole Jenson's grocery. She besought, "Oh, how do you do! Heavens, what beautiful celery that is!" "Yes, doesn't it look fresh. Harry simply has to have his celery on Sunday, drat the man!"

'Well, I'm sure! said Mrs Gamp, 'you're a-settlin' of it, Mr Chuffey. To your satigefaction, sir, I hope. But I wouldn't lay a new pincushion on it myself, sir, though you ARE so well informed. Drat the old creetur, he's a-layin' down the law tolerable confident, too! A deal he knows of sons! or darters either! Suppose you was to favour us with some remarks on twins, sir, WOULD you be so good!

"Cowards!" he sneered. "Running out on me, eh? By Judas Priest, I just knew you didn't dast to stay and hear me tell the boys about that spruce. Drat you! The next time you'll know the difference between attar of roses and California spruce!" Redell put down his suit case, pulled out his watch, glanced at it and then at his partner. "Shall I tell him, Luiz?" he queried.

"Take a vacation. You know I don't care anything about the business. It can't go very wrong, anyhow. What does it matter if my income isn't invested properly, or the bond coupons cut when they're due? Drat the money!" "That's what I say," added Patsy eagerly. "Be a man, Major Doyle, and put the business out of your mind. Let's go somewhere and have a good romp. It will cheer us up."

"You baint goin' to tell me," said Susannah, "that you act'lly mean to take and trapse to Plymouth in all this heat?" "I do," said Barbree. "Get me my shawl and bonnet." "What, on a Saturday afternoon! And me left single-handed to tend the customers!" "Drat the customers!" said Aunt Barbree. "And drat everything, includin' the boy, if you like! But fetch to Plymouth I must and will.

"Drat the human imagination," I answered, wiping away the blood that was trickling into my eye from a thorn scratch. "Let's look at your horse. If it is lamed you will have to ride Imagination back to the wagon which must be six miles away, that is if we can find it before dark."

He was heading toward the front of the house where ran the long and winding drive which led to the main highroad. The man shouted hoarsely, and from the front of the house came the sound of a powerful motor engine being set in motion. "He's got a car waiting for him," cried Bob, who was in the lead. "Drat the luck, he'll escape us yet."