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"I told you I wouldn't want them," said I. "I'm going to dive, myself." "You dive, boss!" cried all three of the darkeys at once, and the two boys began to laugh. "Ye can't do that, boss," said the captain. "Ef ye aint used to this here kind o' divin', ye can't do nothin' at all, under this water. Ye better let the boys go for ye."

"'This way, sez my fat friend, duckin' behind a big bull-god an' divin' into a passage, Thin I remimbered that I must ha' made the miraculous reputation av that temple for the next fifty years. 'Not so fast, I sez, an' I held out both my hands wid a wink. That ould thief smiled like a father.

"What d'ee intind to turn your hand to if you give up divin', Joe?" "If!" said Mrs Baldwin, with a peculiar intonation. "Well, when you give it up," said Rooney, with a bland smile. "I'm not rightly sure," replied Joe. "In the first place, I'll watch for the leadings of Providence, for without that, I cannot expect success.

"I think," said Mr. Longford, with a pale smile "that according to the school of the higher criticism, we must admit the natural to be the only divine." Gigue's rolling eyes gleamed under his shaggy hair. "Je ne comprends pas!" he said "Ven ze pig squeak, c'est naturel ce n'est pas divin! Ven ze man scratch ze flea, c'est naturel ce n'est pas divin! Ze art ne desire pas ze picture of ze flea!

Captain Joe's orders now came thick and fast. "Hurry dinner, Nichols," this to the shanty cook, who was leaning out of the galley window, "And here, three or four o' ye, git this divin' stuff ashore, and then all hands to dinner. The wind's ag'in Baxter, he won't git here for an hour.

II va, de jour vetu, A l'avenir divin et pur, a la vertu, A la science qu'on voit luire, A la mort des fleaux, a l'oubli genereux, A l'abondance, au caime, au rire, a l'homme heureux, Il va, ce glorieux navire. Oh! ce navire fait le voyage sacre!

"I been up here a few times now and then on business." "You're a Manila man, aren't you?" asked Wilkins. "I don't place your name but your face is familiar." "I'm Captain Jarrow, head of the Inter-Island Wreckin' Company. I got a big business, in a way. Everybody knows me in my line. I'm the man who done the divin' for the gover'ment." "Oh, yes," said Wilkins.

As I santered along a female asked me if I had seen the Divin' Girls, sez she, "There is a immense pond of water, and they are the best divers and swimmers in the world." But I sez, "Nobody can dive into deeper depths than I have doven to-day." "The ocean?" sez she. "Oceans of anxiety," sez I, "rivers of grief."

"Drame humain et divin! ne sont-ce point des fils qui ramènent le cadavre de leur père

To share with you his last crust was a part of his religion; to eat alone, a crime. "There, Major," said the colonel as Chad laid the smoking plate before me, "is the breast of a bird that fo' days ago was divin' for wild celery within fo'ty miles of Caarter Hall. My dear old aunt Nancy sends me a pair every week, bless her sweet soul!