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Updated: January 6, 2025

"'T is natural for an Irishman t' love a pig, if 't is a pig worth lovin', and 't is natural, I make no doubt, for a Dutchman t' love a horse th' same way, and each t' his own, as th' sayin' is. Mebby th' Frinch can learn t' love th' flea in th' same way, Mr. Flannery." "I say th' same, Missus Muldoon," said Flannery, "an' I say th' professor has done that same, too.

Jim was a good deal astonished, and so was I. Jim said: "Is dem figgers jist edjackly true, en no jokin' en no lies, Mars Tom?" "Yes, they are; they're perfectly true." "Well, den, honey, a body's got to respec' a flea. I ain't had no respec' for um befo', sca'sely, but dey ain't no gittin' roun' it, dey do deserve it, dat's certain." "Well, I bet they do.

How can she help his whispering to her? And then she looks over at me, and I swear I'm not going to be defended by a woman. She must fancy I haven't got the pluck of a flea. I know what her idea of young fellows is. Why, she said to me, when Suckling went off from her, the other day, "These are our Guards." I shall fight him." "Do," said Edward. "Will you take a challenge?" "I'm a lawyer, Mr.

"I daresay you remember that stone the blackbird brought me? Well, look here, some time ago, I felt a most curious pricking and itching and aching just where it was." "Then it must be a flea," said the dog. "Now listen," said the tree. "It was a most unpleasant sensation. And then my branch swelled up at the place where the stone was...." "It's a flea, it's a flea!" cried the dog.

The decay of society was praised by artists as the decay of a corpse is praised by worms. The æsthete was all receptiveness, like the flea. His only affair in this world was to feed on its facts and colours, like a parasite upon blood. The ego was the all; and the praise of it was enunciated in madder and madder rhythms by poets whose Helicon was absinthe and whose Pegasus was the nightmare.

And then, during absolute silence, except for the bumping of a hind elbow of a hound dog as he pursued a wicked flea, Sam tenderly and carefully tied his guitar across his saddle on top of his slicker and coat. The guitar was in a green duck bag; and if you catch the significance of it, it explains Sam. Sam Galloway was the Last of the Troubadours. Of course you know about the troubadours.

'That looks like determination to stop on guard, said Luigi. He knew the exact feeling expressed by it, when one has come violently on an errand and has done no good. 'A flea, my feathery lad, will set you flying again.

For us it's as simple as killing a rat that eats our corn, or a flea that sucks our blood. Arson! Destructive brute lock him up! And something in Felix said: For order, for security, this may be necessary. But something also said: Our smug attitude is odious!

If ye don't, she'll raise a fuss, and, if that damned governor gets wind of it, he might catch on that the kid be his. He'd run us both down afore ye could say jackrabbit. Ye let Flea alone till I say ye can have her." "If yer dealin' fair " The squatter interrupted his companion with an angry growl. "Have I ever cheated ye out of any money?" "Nope," answered Lem.

"Take a plague, make it out seven times as bad as it is, so that it's perfectly ridiculous and impossible, and then laugh at it. Next time you put your finger on it, as the Irishman said of the flea, it isn't there." "That's hommerpathy," said Miss Proddle. "Hommerpathy cures by aggravating." Miss Proddle was tiresome; she always said things that had been said before, or that needed no saying.

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