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"There's more of a kick in tea than in a cocktail, I believe, when you really need it," she remarked gratefully. "You spoke of a Mr. Gardner. Who is he?" "A reporter who spent night before last here." She dropped her cracker, oleomargarine-side down. "A reporter?" "He came down to write up the wreck. It's a bad one. Nine dead, so far." "Is he still here?" "No. Gone back to Angelica City."

But this box will answer a good purpose," and Tom and Ned proceeded to open the mysterious case which the young inventor had transported with such care. "Bless my cannon cracker!" exclaimed Mr. Damon who watched them. "You're as careful of that as if it contained dynamite." "It does contain something like that," answered Tom.

Have ready a frying kettle half full of fat over the fire, a dish containing three smoothly beaten eggs, a large platter of cracker dust; wet the hands with cold water and make the mixture in shape; afterwards rolling them in the cracker dust, then into the beaten egg, and again in the cracker dust; smooth them on the outside and drop them carefully in the hot fat.

Women caught up their children and hurried into their houses, shutting the cracker doors carefully behind them. Some men ran so hastily that they tumbled over one another, while others, more brave, assembled in a group and faced the intruders defiantly.

The alarm had been given by Senator Morr, and by the chauffeur, who slept in a room of the barn next to the garage. "Oh, Roger!" gasped Phil. "That big cannon cracker!" "I was thinking of it, Phil!" returned the senator's son, hurriedly. "We must get it out somehow!" "If it goes off it will wreck the building!" "Yes, and the gasoline tank with it!"

Make alternate layers of oysters, cracker crumbs, salt, pepper, and butter until dish is full. Have crumbs on top. Now make a small incision in center and pour in one well beaten egg, with a small quantity of oyster liquor. Put in hot oven and brown nicely. From MRS. M. D. FOLEY, of Nevada, Lady Manager. Cover one can of shrimps with cold milk and allow to come to a boil; then drain.

One quart of oysters; one large breakfast cup of cracker or bread crumbs, the crackers being nicer if freshly toasted and rolled hot; two large spoonfuls of butter; one teaspoonful of salt; half a teaspoonful of pepper; one saltspoonful of mace. Mix the salt, pepper, and mace together.

The rapid journey, made without rest or food either, save the cup of tea and cracker she tried to swallow, was beginning to tell upon her, and while Mrs. Dobson was speaking she felt stealing over her the giddiness which she knew was a precursor to fainting. "I am tired and heated," she gasped. "I could not sleep at the hotel or eat, either. I will stay a day and rest, if you please.

'Apple cottage cracker lemon. Here are two lemon puddings, Polly." And Molly glanced up to see Polly, with an anxious frown, reading intently from her own small book. She looked up, in her turn, to answer, "Here's another, so you read yours and then I'll read mine, and we'll see which we like best."

Behind the desk were piles of cracker boxes and cardboard cases of cigarettes and in the midst of them a little opening, like that of a railway ticket office, in the wall through which the "Y" man sold his commodities to the long lines of men who would stand for hours waiting meekly in the room beyond. Andrews was looking round for a chair. "Oh, I just forgot.