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Immediately he marvelled at his familiar speech, but she did not seem to resent it. "No, not so often," she said, musingly; "but I used often and often to wish I could carry some of the nice things home to mother and the babies. After a while she would give me a cookey or a piece of bread and butter for lunch; that I could take home.

"Tell 'em if cookey tries to get away, mumkull." "Iss. Mumkull," and the black darted forward, to return with the remaining ten, all grinning, to seat themselves in a row, spear in hand, upon the starboard bulwarks, staring hard at Bostock, who tried to appear perfectly calm and composed; but his face twitched a little. "They'd better not try to mumkull me," he whispered to Carey.

I should hope not," said the still trembling Perk, "but I just can't forget we've got even one here to bother us. If only I dared use my gun, I'd soon knock spots out o' him, bet you a cookey, Jack." "Nothing doing, so forget that, partner.

Four times he pulled the trigger inside of ten minutes, and when Thad looked out to see if he were in sight, so as to wave to him that breakfast was ready, the lone hunter was just in the act of throwing a couple of plump birds upon the deck. "Two wow, that's good!" cried Cookey, in his usual ornate style, darting out to pick the game up.

"Tell boys kedgee fis'?" The beachcomber nodded, and the black shouted again, with the result that six more of the blacks came running to the side and dropped over into the canoe. "Hi, Jack, tell the others, if cookey here " "Dis cookey?" asked the black, touching Carey on the head. "No, stupid. That one." "Iss. Dat cookey," and he nodded and grinned at Bostock.

Liseke whispered excitedly "It is a piano, and perhaps perhaps a stool. Try and find out from Max." "Maxy, dear," Hannah said, imploringly, "is it covered with plush?" "Why, how do you know?" Max cried, unguardedly, as he was finishing his sixth cookey. "I knew it, I knew it," Liseke gasped, wildly. "Does it make a noise if, well, say, if you bang on it?" Hannah cried, with a beating heart.

It was nothing more than he had prepared himself to expect, when the Coromantee, almost as soon as he had steadied himself astride of the water-cask, shouted, in a loud voice "The Cat'maran! the Cat'maran!" "Where?" cried the sailor. "To leuart?" "Dead in dat same direcshun." "How fur, cookey? how fur?"

Black Jack darted to his side, with eyes flashing and nostrils distended. "Boat," said the man, abruptly. Black Jack shouted something incomprehensible, and three of the black fellows bounded to the side and disappeared into the whale-boat with their leader. "Now then," said the beachcomber, "you stop aboard, cookey, and get something ready for dinner. Hi, Black Jack. Fish. Tell 'em."

"Feathers, for a cookey!" exclaimed Toby, "and a heap of the same, too." "Now we know what he cooked on the ends of those sticks!" observed Mark. "Yeth, and now we know where one of Farmer Trotter's henth went to," added Ted. "This is more than Johnny ever ran across," remarked Lil Artha, "because he only guessed the chicken thief was hiding in the swamp, for he'd seen tracks.

Have a cookey?" and Quincy's pockets were filled with cakes that contained raisins and citron. "Them's seedless raisins, Quincy. I had a boarder once, a reg'lar hayseed who came down here from Montrose to work hayin' time, an' he asked me how I got the stuns out of the raisins.