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Law's, chillun, dem was times! You don't know nuthin' 'bout dem times. Disher house was full up all de time wid comp'ny; gran' comp'ny, what dress all de time in silk an' go walkin' 'bout under de trees an' ridin' 'bout over de prairie in de day time; and mos' every night dey call my ole man in to play de fiddle an' den, laws, how dem young folks dance!

Captain Elisha pulled thoughtfully at his beard. "Humph!" he grunted. "Humph! then I cal'late maybe " He took a step toward the door, stopped, turned back, and said, with calm decision, "I guess I'd better stay. You won't mind me, Caroline you and Stephen. You mustn't. As I said, I ain't comp'ny.

"Tillie ain't got the dare to keep comp'ny Sundays! It made her a whole hour late with the washin' this mornin'. I'm tellin' her she's got to tell Absalom Puntz he can't come no more." Mrs. Getz paused with comb poised in air, and her feeble jaw dropped in astonishment. "Why, pop!" she said. "Ain't you leavin' Tillie keep comp'ny?" "No," affirmed Mr. Getz. "I ain't.

And in the night sometimes he'd come and git me to come and lay by him where he could put his arm round my neck, and feel me, like as if he wanted comp'ny. Well, now, that wasn't much like God, was it? And when he thought I was asleep, I could hear him prayin', 'O merciful Savior! and things like that; and if he was God, who could he pray to? It wasn't sense, was it?

Th' pa-apers might keep records iv th' results: 'Misther So-an'-so, th' gr-reat captain iv finance, died yesterday, universally regretted. His estate amounts to nineteen millyon dollars. There ar-re two large bequests to charity. Wan is a thrust fund set aside f'r his maiden sister Annybelle, who will receive f'r life th' income on eight hundhred dollars in stock iv th' Hackensack Meadows Comp'ny.

It was foolish in me, I reckon, but when I see her drivin' up the lane it was purt' nigh dark then, but I could see her through the open winder from where I was settin' at the supper-table, and so I jest quietly excused myself, p'lite-like, as a feller will, you know, when they's comp'ny round, and I slipped off and met her jest as she was about to git out to open the barn gate.

You'll find him gentle an' perseverin' an' good comp'ny. Mebbe he does go a mite faster toward home than away from it, but he allus gets somewhere. His name's Felix, after a uncle o' mine what " Followed a personal history of Chet's uncle, to which Whitey did not listen. He was thinking of the figure he would cut arriving at the Star Circle on Felix, and hoped he would get there at night.

"Phil? Oh, yes! We left him up the road a piece. Maybe we'd better go after him now." But old Dillaway had something to say. "Cap'n," he says, looking round to make sure none of the comp'ny was follering him out to the ice-boat. "I've wanted to speak to you afore, but I haven't had the chance. You mustn't b'lieve too much of what Mr.

The Reverend Hayward had given a half discernible start and an exclamation had fallen from his lips. "What say?" repeated his companion. "I knows de sistah ve'y well, she bein' a membah of my flock." "Well, I been gwine in comp'ny wit dat ooman fu' de longes'. You ain't nevah tasted none o' huh cookin', has you?" "I has 'sperienced de sistah's puffo'mances in dat line."