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The pitying expression on her mother's face changed to one of joy, and the eldest and the youngest brothers slid off the coal-bins as if they were possessed. The Swede boy and the cattleman, who had each been busy blaming himself for something worse than forgetfulness or negligence, fairly beamed at the back of the little girl's curly head.

It don't do to pet cowhands." "Too bad you took all that trouble, Dug," the old cattleman began mildly. "The fact is " "Trouble. Say, I'd ride to Tombstone to get a crack at that young smart Aleck. I told him what I'd do to him if I ever got my fists on him." "So you did catch up with him." Dug drew back sulkily within himself. He did not intend to tell all he knew about the Gunsight Pass episode.

"A cattleman nowadays might as well steal his own cattle as to wait for somebody else to steal 'em." Laramie spoke with some annoyance. "There's going to be trouble for these Falling Wall rustlers." "Meaning me?" asked Hawk, contemptuously. "I never mean you without saying you, Abe you ought to know that by this time. But this running off steers is getting too raw.

What you have done for my daughter puts us everlastingly in your debt." "Not worth mentioning. And, to be fair, I think Weaver was going to bring her home, anyhow." "The way the story reached me, he didn't mention it until you had the drop on him," answered Sanderson dryly. "That's right," nodded the cattleman ironically, from the porch.

"Interesting if true." Keller's gaze passed derisively over him and dismissed the man. "And I hope when I come I'll meet Mr. Keller first." The nester's attention was focused indolently upon the hills. He seemed to have forgotten that the cattleman was in Arizona. Healy ripped out a sudden oath, drove the spurs in, and went down the trail with his broncho on the buck.

"We're holdin' her here. It's been nip an' tuck. Once I thought sure she'd break through, but we beat out the blaze. I hadn't time to go look, but I expect she's just a-r'arin' over the hills. I've had some teams and scrapers taken up there, Dave. It's yore job. Go to it." The old cattleman showed that he had been through a fight.

The dignity of ownership of many thousand cattle kept the old rancher's shoulders square, and there was an antique gentility about his thin face with its white goatee. He was more like a quaint figure of the seventeenth century than a successful cattleman of the twentieth. "It is shameful, Dad," she went on, encouraged by his silence, "or you could tell me some reason."

They played a good hand devilish badly or we should have won out." "The devil you would! We beat you from first to last at odds against of two to one nearly. I reckon, Mr. Pirate, you undertook too big a round-up," grinned the cattleman. "Fortunately there is always a to-morrow," retorted Bothwell with a bow. "Sometimes it's mortgaged to Jack Ketch." "I'll wager he doesn't foreclose, Mr.

The population consisted of a few whites, a number of Chinese railway labourers, an occasional straggling miner, native, or cattleman, and last but not least, at the small railway-station eating-house, honoured by the patronage of emigrant-trains, his highness Ah Chug, the cook, whose dried-apple pies, at twenty-five cents apiece, I have never ceased to enjoy, for they were the ladder by which I was able to descend from a home table to the camp fare of bacon and beans.

It was about a week after Bert and Nan had been lost in the rain that Mrs. Bobbsey met the foreman, Charles Dayton on the porch of the ranch house one day. "Oh, Mr. Dayton!" called the children's mother, "I have had a letter from your brother Bill, who has charge of my lumber tract. He is coming on here." "Bill is coming here?" exclaimed the cattleman in great surprise.