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Hawthorne, with soft and saddened eyes fixed on the portrait, again shook her head, sighing, "Poor thing!" "Not at all!" he protested almost peevishly. "Please not to suggest by pitying her that I have not represented there a fine, big, strong thing, built to stand up under anything!

I could not help pitying the poor fellow, he was such a sample of manly strength, and bore himself like a true soldier. He had been discharged from the British army, at the expiration of his time, and was in hopes of making money enough to go home and live in peace with his parents.

Freddy recited the lines, like a dear good boy, with as near an imitation of my style of elocution as could be expected from him. "Poor devil!" cried the voice from the garden, insolently pitying my attentive pupil. I imposed silence on the girls by a look and then, without stirring from my chair, expressed my sense of the insolence of Mr. Sax in clear and commanding tones.

When the witnesses were examined, her case appeared utterly hopeless; and in private conversation with Friend Hopper she admitted that she was a slave to the man who claimed her. Mr. Humphreys, pitying the distress of his honest, industrious workman, offered to advance one hundred dollars toward purchasing her freedom.

Harry. I cannot help pitying the poor whale that is thus persecuted for the sake of his spoils. Why cannot man let this poor beast live unmolested in the midst of the snows and ice in which he was born? Mr Barlow. You ought to know enough of the world to be sensible that the desire of gain will tempt men upon every expedition.

A white rime, like a hoar frost, fretting the deep red of the scorched skin, that was as delicate as that on a woman's palm. Sookdee muttered a pitying cry, and Hunsa declared boastfully: "When men have evil in their hearts it is known to Bhowanee; behold her sign!" But Ajeet laughed, saying: "Let Hunsa have the iron; he, too, will know of its heat."

"Is it possible," thought I, "that these ladies can be so nice, and so vindictive for such a trifling fault!" I loved my wife notwithstanding all her cruelty, and could not help pitying her. One day the old woman told me my spouse was recovered, and gone to bathe, and would come to see me the next day.

I could have endured that. But this is disgusting! I never wish to see either of them again," emphatically remarked Aunt Agnes. It was useless to represent to her that Mrs. Spence was very much in love with her husband, and that on that account would doubtless strive to make him happy. It was the fact of their marriage that distressed her; and, unlike me, she did not think of pitying Mr.

Now, with the light that is not upon earth or sea shining on the picture of his past career, he could see and understand things as he had never seen or understood them before. He knew now that it was for his own sake that faithful and devoted wife had pleaded, his own interest that had been near to her pitying heart, as well as the interest of bakers and butchers, landladies and tailors.

Plimpton implored his fellow-members not to bring personalities into the debate, and he was aware all the while of the curious, pitying expression of the rector. He breathed a sigh of relief at the opening words of Hodder, who followed him. "Gentlemen," he said, "I have no intention of being personal, even by unanimous consent. But if Mr.