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"In a few minutes, general," the other replied. "Pablo has just come in sight over the hill. There were several errands." "Muy buen! I was going to say, Meschines, her father and mother left the girl poor, and she, being, apparently, clever and energetic, took to " "I know!" the professor interrupted. "They all do it, when they are clever and energetic, and that's the end of them!

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Pero eso de soplar otra hora y media!... DON EDUARDO. ¿Qué remedio tiene? a menos que no prefieras el que cada cual se coma cruda la onza que le corresponde.... DOÑA MATILDE. Ello todo es chocolate. DON EDUARDO. Y en bebiendo luego un buen vaso de agua.... DOÑA MATILDE. Así tendremos también más lugar para hablar de nuestras cosas.

With small regard to etiquette, and not waiting for the general to welcome us, they all sprang to meet us with a "Buen venidos, capitanes!" The dinner was such as might be expected at the table of a general commanded at the same time an army and the blockade of a much-frequented port.

He shrugged his shoulders and waved away the slight with the magnanimity of one who can forgive and forget. 'I take the road to-morrow; but our contract ceased at Ronda. I had no intention of taking you on. 'You are not satisfied with me? inquired Concepcion, offering his interlocutor the cigarette he had just made. 'Oh, yes. 'Buen! We take the road together.

They reduced the hideous waste land on the east side of the city to a breathing-space for future generations, turning the meadow into a promenade and the hill into the Buen Retiro. The people growled terribly at the time, as they did at nearly everything this prematurely liberal government did for them.

Ah, what a buen hombre was Don Luís if we had one man like him to-day the sheep would yet go round a big man, with a beard, and he had no fear, no not for a hundred men.

DON EDUARDO. No será indigestión a buen seguro; pero, mujer, ¿qué has hecho en todo este tiempo? ¿Cómo tienes todavía así el cuarto? Vaya, que no es mala porquería. DOÑA MATILDE. Yo ... si ... ay, Eduardo, ¿cómo te puedes enfadar tanto conmigo? DON EDUARDO. No, Matilde mía, yo no me enfado contigo ... ¿cómo había yo de enfadarme contigo?

It is said that flames have been frequently seen issuing out since the great earthquake of 1797. These facts are well worthy of being examined. Petroleum-spring of the Buen Pastor, near Rio Areo. Large masses of sulphur have been found in clayey soils at Guayuta, as in the valley of San Bonifacio, and near the junction of the Rio Pao with the Orinoco. Hot waters of the gulf of Cariaco.

In the evening, the hour varying, of course, with the time of year, all Madrid goes to drive, ride, or walk in the Buen Retiro, now called the Parque de Madrid. It is beautifully laid out, with wide, well-kept roads and well-cared-for gardens; it has quite superseded the Paseo de la Fuente Castellano, which used to be the "Ladies' Mile" of Madrid.

He then produced an Andalusian sash, the work of his own hands, which he insisted on binding around my waist, to see how it would look. I must next take off my coat and hat, and put on his Sunday jacket and jaunty sombrero. "Por Dios!" he exclaimed: "que buen mozo! Senor, you are a legitimate Andalusian!" After this, of course, I could do no less than buy the sash.