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Tasso's 'Gierusalemme Liberata' is altogether unquestionably a fine poem, though it has some low, and many false thoughts in it: and Boileau very justly makes it the mark of a bad taste, to compare 'le Clinquant Tasse a l' Or de Virgile'. The image, with which he adorns the introduction of his epic poem, is low and disgusting; it is that of a froward, sick, puking child, who is deceived into a dose of necessary physic by 'du bon-bon'. These verses are these: "Cosi all'egro fanciul porgiamo aspersi Di soavi licor gli orli del vaso: Succhi amari ingannato intanto ei beve, E dall' inganno suo vita riceve."

On his return to Gonzalo with this letter, Vaso was met by the lieutenant-general Carvajal, who made minute inquiry respecting every thing he had seen and learnt, and gave him strict injunctions not to let it be known to the followers of Gonzalo that the force of Centeno exceeded seven hundred men.

Away to our left, in gloomy confusion, the Albanian Alps reared their heads, lit here and there with a red gleam of sunlight. At our feet, shrouded in impenetrable blackness, lay two steep ravines. The sun sank, leaving a weird eerie feeling behind, and we found ourselves strangely cold. We spent many days with Vaso, shooting with indifferent results, but revelling in the glories of nature.

He embraced himself as his customer had done, and shuddered; then pointing at the bitters, he nodded encouragingly. O'Reilly forestalled an outburst by translating his countryman's wants. "Un vaso de agua con hielo," said he, and the attendant was all apologies. "So, you speak the lingo?" marveled Mr. Branch. "Well, I can't get the hang of it. Don't like it. Don't like anything Spanish.

Tasso's 'Gierusalemme Liberata' is altogether unquestionably a fine poem, though it has some low, and many false thoughts in it: and Boileau very justly makes it the mark of a bad taste, to compare 'le Clinquant Tasse a l' Or de Virgile'. The image, with which he adorns the introduction of his epic poem, is low and disgusting; it is that of a froward, sick, puking child, who is deceived into a dose of necessary physic by 'du bon-bon'. These verses are these: "Cosi all'egro fanciul porgiamo aspersi Di soavi licor gli orli del vaso: Succhi amari ingannato intanto ei beve, E dall' inganno suo vita riceve."

It was not till I took very energetic measures that he would stop, which amused the Voivoda immensely. P.'s horse was ill in fact, it was his last journey. A few days afterwards he died from inflammation of the lungs, contracted at Velika that day. We went for a few days' shooting on the Vasojevićki Kom, and were handed over by the Voivoda to one called Vaso, a rich peasant of the district.

In addition, Gonzalo made high offers to Centeno, promising to accede to every demand he might choose to make, if he would now join him. He sent this letter to Centeno by a person named Francisco Vaso, who immediately offered his services to Centeno, to whom he intimated that Diego Alvarez his standard-bearer was in correspondence with Gonzalo.

'Quale un vaso liturgico d'argento. And you, madame, you take away all my sense of criticism. 'Vous me troublez trop pour que je definisse votre genre de beaute." Mrs. Milden was soon engaged in a deep tete-a-tete with Mr.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Pero eso de soplar otra hora y media!... DON EDUARDO. ¿Qué remedio tiene? a menos que no prefieras el que cada cual se coma cruda la onza que le corresponde.... DOÑA MATILDE. Ello todo es chocolate. DON EDUARDO. Y en bebiendo luego un buen vaso de agua.... DOÑA MATILDE. Así tendremos también más lugar para hablar de nuestras cosas.