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And our old job-trot ministers is turned curates, and our old job-trot professors is joined with them, and now this way God has turned them inside out, and has made it manifest and when their heart is hanging upon this braw, I will not give a gray groat for them and their profession both.

Mause, who had been an ancient domestic in the family, was a sort of favourite with Lady Margaret, and presumed accordingly. Lady Margaret had herself set forth, and her authority could not be appealed to. In this dilemma, the good genius of the old butler suggested an expedient. "He had seen mony a braw callant, far less than Guse Gibbie, fight brawly under Montrose. What for no tak Guse Gibbie?"

"I'm saying, Luckie," says he, when the goodwife returned, "have ye a back road out of this change house?" She told him there was and where it led to. "Then, sir," says he to me, "I think that will be the shortest road for us. And here's good-bye to ye, my braw woman; and I'll no forget thon of the cinnamon water." We went out by way of the woman's kale yard, and up a lane among fields.

I did so, surely, and that very nicht I went out and bought me some astrachan fur for the collar of my coat! Do ye ken what that meant to me in yon days? Then every actor wore a coat with a fur trimmed collar it was almost like a badge of rank. And I maun be as braw as any of them.

Sholto had some difficulty in making himself heard athwart the ponderous wooden gates, bossed with leather and studded with iron. At first he shouted angrily to the silences, but presently nearer and nearer came a bellow as of a brazen bull, thunderous and far echoing. "Fower o' the clock and a braw, braw morning."

"Yestreen when to the trembling string, The dance gaed thro' the lighted ha' To thee my fancy took its wing I sat but neither heard nor saw: Tho' this was fair, and that was braw, And yon the toast of a' the toun, I sigh'd and said amang them a', You are na Mary Morison." It may be objected that in all this there is only one word, and but two or three forms of words that are not English.

But me and yer father eh, weel we lo'ed her! for to hiz she was like oor ain Isy, ay, mair a dochter nor a servan wi'a braw lovin kin'ness in her, no to be luikit for frae ony son, and sic as we never had frae ony afore but oor ain Isy.

But when the bargain had been struck and John Paul gone with the 'ostler to see to his chests, mine host thought it a pity not to have a fall out of me. "So ye be the Buckskin laud," he said, with a wink at a leering group of farmers; "ye hae braw gentles in America." He was a man of sixty or thereabout, with a shrewd but not unkindly face that had something familiar in it.

"Where are you, Jock, man?" said Ralph, willing to humour the instrument of God. "The noo I'm on the shelf o' the brig; a braw bed it maks, if it is raither narrow. But graund practice for the narrow bed that I'll get i' the Dullarg kirkyaird some day or lang, unless they catch puir Jock and hang him.

"O, I wad like to ken to the beggar-wife says I Why chops are guid to brander and nane sae guid to fry, An' siller, that's sae braw to get, is brawer still to gie. It's gey an' easy speirin', says the beggar-wife to me." It is always easier for poor human nature to weep with those who weep than to rejoice with those who rejoice.