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Mahon exploded, and threw the engineer through the cab door. Murphy slowly picked himself up. "I see two foights on afther this one," he declared joyously. "And I'll lick the bohunk that stops a one o' thim, I will." "Somebody st'ys with the engine, any'ow," muttered 'Uggins stubbornly. "'Ere, Murphy, we'll toss." "What good's that?" asked Mahon.

Ántonia, barefooted as she was, ran up behind me. Even after I had pounded his ugly head flat, his body kept on coiling and winding, doubling and falling back on itself. I walked away and turned my back. I felt seasick. Ántonia came after me, crying, “O Jimmy, he not bite you? You sure? Why you not run when I say?” “What did you jabber Bohunk for?

Horses have a way of stiffening their forelegs and sliding their hind feet and giving a lot of dramatic finish to the performance. But there is no dramatic sense at all in the tin brain of a Ford. It just stopped. And the insecure fourth Bohunk in the tonneau went hurtling forward into the front seat straight on his way through the windshield.

The scene of the commotion was apparent enough, a small excited group of men, probably the participators in one of the games of chance always in progress in the evenings in the open space between the camp and the water. Far more industriously the bohunk gambled his pay away in the evening than he earned it by day. And always overhung the contractors this peril of a camp quarrel.

"Big Jim Torrance, you mean," he interrupted, throwing back his huge head to laugh. "The crudest boss that ever hammered a lazy bohunk to his pick. No, no, little girl, not all your airs, not all my big jobs, can make me more than a half-taught rough-neck a success, I'll admit. But the biggest success he ever had was in having a daughter "

In three or four days I'll take the starch out of them by hard work, but in the meantime you can help us a lot and earn enough cartwheels for yourself to keep you in fire-water the rest of your days. Look here" he smiled magnanimously "for every bohunk you give me an excuse to hang there's a dollar for you. That's five hundred dollars and it's yours with my blessing."

If I hear you " He tossed his hands up helplessly. "You're making your daddy so mealy-mouthed, the first bohunk with a grouch will pull his nose. I've got to swear at 'em. If you don't let me tear loose a bit when I'm with you, the air's going to be so blue next time I meet a bohunk that he'll think he's gone to his last reward." She came to the doorway of her room, coiling a loop of hair.

These they lifted by means of rope and pulley attached to convenient parts of the existing structure. Her father was pointing upward. A bohunk climbed clumsily to the point indicated and tied a pulley there. Passing a rope through the pulley, he tossed the end down. Several men seized it. To the other end a log was attached.

It could not be a bohunk, for the workmen were not clever enough to trail him unseen. Also it was not an inimical inspection. Only the Indian could trail the trailer with such unerring confidence. It was not unnatural, therefore, that as time went on the Indian assumed the proportions of a gripping mystery. On the track of the new problem, Sergeant Mahon took to roaming the woods by night.

But you put before me bohunk hearts stuffed with bohunk sweetbreads " The Indian turned up his eyes in disgust. Torrance chuckled. "He knows the belly-ache it would give a fellow, and I bet he's et more men for breakfast than I ever dreamed of murdering. If your appetite's up to it, Big Chief, take a mouthful of that thug living up on the bank above the camp.