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"Serves 'em right, the yaller-bellied, clay-eatin' yowlers," said Shorty savagely, looking over the mangled corpses. "Pays 'em up for their murderin' abatis. We got it in this time worse on them than they did on us, though it'd take as much of this as'd make up several Counties to pay up for any one o' the good boys we lost yesterday.

I say, if you could cut him down like that, and then graft in a couple o' scions took of a young gent as I knows never you mind who bind 'em up neatly, clay 'em up, or do the same thing somewheres about his middle, you might grow a noo boy, as'd bear decent sort o' fruit. But you can't do that; and Pete Warboys 'll be Pete Warboys as long as he lives."

"Ye can come out!" said Julia's mouth, appearing at a crack of the scullery door, "I have as many lies told for ye God forgive me! as'd bog a noddy!" This mysterious contingency might have impressed us more had the artist been able to conceal her legitimate pride in her handiwork.

There's plenty of upstanding, decent, Belgian men in good positions as'd like to have an English wife. They wouldn't look too shy at my money..." Vivie: "Get thee behind me, Satan! Mother, you oughtn't to make such propositions. Don't you understand, we must all have a religion somewhere. Some principle to which we sacrifice ourselves. Rossiter would be horrified if he could hear you.

"Don't mention it," said Jack; "the admiral's the man as'd lend any body a helping hand in case of distress like the present; and I'll pledge my word Jack Pringle's too, as that he'll do what's right, and give up his turn to Mr. Henry Bannerworth; cause you see he can have his turn arterwards, you know it's only waiting awhile." "That's all," said Sir Francis.

"All right; that's a bargain," agreed Rogers. Then, turning to the rest of the mutineers, he ordered them to fetch all hands on deck to witness punishment, "All hands exceptin' the ladies, I mean; they'd be shocked at the sight, pretty dears, and we must take care as they don't see nor hear nothin' as'd shock 'em, sweet, delicate creeturs," he added with a contemptuous laugh, which was echoed by his comrades as they staggered forward to drag the male passengers on deck.

But, more nor that, if I'd as much brass as'd fill the coal-pit, shaft and all, I'd not give my consent to any on it's going for the drink. I know that you can do without the drink if you've a mind. I know you'll be all the better by being without it. I know, and you know yourself, that it's swallowed up the clothes from your own back, and starved and beggared us all.

Snavely. "I saw one around the corner as I passed; the same one your brats were pelting from behind a fence last week." Mr. Cadge tacked adroitly. "No, I ain't going to spend my money with the loryers, as'd want twelve dollars to get you back six. I'll tear down the wall, that's wot I'll do.

'Pretty near. There's nothing so much between us as'd prevent 'em from taking airs with us if they could find out anything to do it for. 'If they could! Samson assented. 'Abel Eeddy was a bragger and a boaster from his cradle days. 'That's where it is, cried Mrs.

What business is it a Macdermot would have taking up with the likes of him?" "That's not it neither, Joe; but he thinks the Captain don't mane fair by Miss Feemy! and by the blessed Virgin, he ain't far wrong." "Then why don't he knock the life out of the traitor? or av there is rasons why he shouldn't do it hisself, why don't he get one of the boys as'd be glad of the job to help him.