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"'Pears like 'twas next door to heaven, up there, Jos," Aunt Ri would say. "I can't tell yer the feelin' 't comes over me, to look up 't it, ever sence I knowed she wuz there. 'T shines enuf to put yer eyes aout, sometimes; I allow 'tain't so light's thet when you air into 't; 't can't be; ther couldn't nobody stan' it, ef 't wuz.

But ye see some of the boys hev got a noshin agin heven any more fellers sole aout fer debt, an we've been a explainin our idee to Iry this mornin. I callate he's got it through his head, Iry hez. Ye see ef neighbors be gonter live together peaceable they've jess got ter unnerstan each other. What do yew s'pose Iry said? He said Squire thar tole him to sell David aout.

It's jest a kind er 'hit-er-miss' pattren we air all on us livin' on; 'tain't much use tryin' ter reckon how 't 'll come aout; but the breadths doos fit heaps better 'n yer'd think; come ter sew 'em, 'tain't never no sech colors ez yer thought 't wuz gwine ter be; but it's allers pooty, allers; never see a 'hit-er-miss' pattren 'n my life yit, thet wa'n't pooty.

'Baout three weeks afterwards, old man Hasken he would hev it that the "East Wind" was a commerce-destroyin' man-o'-war, an' so he declared war on Sable Island because it was Bridish, an' the shoals run aout too far. They sewed him up in a bed-bag, his head an' feet appearin', fer the rest o' the trip, an' now he's to home in Essex playin' with little rag dolls."

Sheriff he'd got more'n a thousan milishy tew defend the jail, but the milishy didn' wanter fight, an we did, an that made a sight o' odds, fer wen we stopped night tew the taown an sent word that ef he didn' let them fellers aout o' jail we'd come an take em aout, he let em aout dum quick."

"I don't propose to say a hanged word abaout it, and yeou'll obleege me if you keep your mouth shet, too! If Mr. Merriwell found it aout, he'd be hot under the collar and give me a good dressing daown." "Oh, very well," agreed Silence, "I'll say nothing. It's a small matter to me." Silence, Bearover, and Priley bade Gallup good day and left for Priley's Hotel.

"Love, Flint; that was a sure symptom of it." "Waal, guess 'twas; anyway I jumped up all of a sudden, ketched Bewlah raound the neck, give her a hearty kiss, and sung aout, 'I'll dew it sure's my name's Hi Flint! The words was scarcely out of my maouth, 'fore daown come Dr. Parr. He' d ben up tew see aunt, an' said she wouldn't last the night threw, prob'ly.

"Wal, we want most evrything, but I guess we kin help oursels. Hey boys?" "Callate we kin make aout tew," echoed one of his followers, not a Stockbridge man, and then as his eye caught Desire, as she stood pale and beautiful, with wild eyes and disheveled hair, by her mother, he made a dive at her saying: "Guess I'll take a kiss tew begin with."

Ephraim began the stanza over again, roaring it louder than before, if possible: "Yankee Dewdle came to taown 'Long with Cap'n Goodwin " "Sir!" cried Lieutenant Gordan. "Git aout!" snorted the boy from Vermont. "I'm here ter sing, an' I'm goin' ter fill ther bill, by gum!" Then he began at the first of the stanza, and howled straight through it, for all that the lieutenant spoke to him twice.

And he celebrates her achievement far and wide. "My Mary Ann med me a pie t' other day, was the all-firedest best pie I ever et." "Med you what?" "Med me a pie." "Pie? Whutch talkinn' baout? Can't git nummore pies naow. Frot 's all gin aout." "I golly, she med it just the same. Smartest woman y' ever see." The man dribbled at the mouth. "What sh' make it aout o'?"