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Casper Silence took pains to examine the bank check, over which he nodded and smiled, returning it to Priley. "That's all right, I fancy," he said. "It ought to be as good as gold coin." Then he turned to Ephraim with pretended admiration. "Young man, you've got genuine sporting blood," he said. "You've got nerve. I can't help admiring your nerve, although I fear your judgment is rather poor.

"I don't propose to say a hanged word abaout it, and yeou'll obleege me if you keep your mouth shet, too! If Mr. Merriwell found it aout, he'd be hot under the collar and give me a good dressing daown." "Oh, very well," agreed Silence, "I'll say nothing. It's a small matter to me." Silence, Bearover, and Priley bade Gallup good day and left for Priley's Hotel.

Mike McCann hurried into the office and returned directly, followed by Fred Priley, the hotel proprietor. "Mr. Priley," said Silence, "this young man has been making some betting talk. You know we're going to play Frank Merriwell's team to-morrow at Bloomfield. It's doubtful if the gate money will cover our expenses. For that reason I've been looking around to make a little wager on that game.

This chap says he'll bet anything from one hundred dollars to ten thousand dollars. Let me see if I can dig up ten thousand." With perfect coolness, he opened a pocketbook and counted out ten one-thousand dollars, which he handed to Priley. "That leaves me a hundred or two," he said, "which will carry me over until I get my roll back and this gentleman's long green with it."

Naturally the cashier at the bank looked surprised when Gallup asked for a bank check in exchange for his own check, drawn for the full amount of his deposit. Mr. Casin, however, did not ask questions, but made out the bank check and passed it to Ephraim. In the presence of witnesses this check was placed in the hands of Fred Priley to cover the ten thousand dollars posted by Silence.