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Updated: August 8, 2024
And after he did do take brands of iron and join them to his sides, and his bowels which then appeared he did do frot with salt, and so sent him into prison, but our Lord appeared to him the same night with great light and comforted him much sweetly. And by this great consolation he took to him so good heart that he doubted no torment that they might make him suffer.
And he celebrates her achievement far and wide. "My Mary Ann med me a pie t' other day, was the all-firedest best pie I ever et." "Med you what?" "Med me a pie." "Pie? Whutch talkinn' baout? Can't git nummore pies naow. Frot 's all gin aout." "I golly, she med it just the same. Smartest woman y' ever see." The man dribbled at the mouth. "What sh' make it aout o'?"
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