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Entre son berceau et sa tombe qu'y a-t-il? la carriere d'un soldat parvenu, des champs de bataille, une mer de sang, un trone, puis du sang encore, et des fers. Sa vie, c'est l'arc en ciel; les deux points extremes touchent la terre, la comble lumi-neuse mesure les cieux.

He gave an order, and in a trice Tristram's wrists were strapped together with a handkerchief. Then he was heaved up on his feet, and a couple of men took him, each by an arm. They were about to march him off, when a voice hailed them, and up rode a general officer, with two dragoons cantering behind him for escort. "Qu'y a-t-il, mes enfants?"

One fine morning, as I was looking about in the court-yard of our hotel, talking to the servant-gals, as was my reglar custom, in order to improve myself in the French languidge, one of them comes up to me and says, "Tenez, Monsieur Charles, down below in the office there is a bailiff, with a couple of gendarmes, who is asking for your master a-t-il des dettes par hasard?"

'Y a-t-il quelque bon ton'? All fat and fair, I presume; too proud and too cold to make advances, but, at the same time, too well-bred and too warm to reject them, when made by 'un honnete homme avec des manieres'.

C'est beaucoup d'avoir deux vies et presque deux patries. Mr. Burton a-t-il publie l'article qu'il projetait sur mon Histoire de France? Adieu, my dear Sir. Tenez-moi un peu au courant de ce qui se passe chez vous et de ce que vous en pensez. Nous vegetons ici dans les tenebres, en attendant un mieux qui viendra, je ne sais quand ni comment. Mais je persiste a y croire. Tout a vous, GUIZOT.

Maurice asked, when the tuning process was complete. "Swinburne's 'Ask Nothing More." He raised his eyebrows. "A man's song?" "Yes. But you know I often sing it; and I want to . . . to-night." "Qu'y a-t-il, petite soeur?" he asked, for her manner puzzled him. "Rien . . . rien de tout. Commence." And he played the soft chords, pregnant with pleading, that usher in the song.

Vous etes bien jeune trop jeune pour le role que vous allez jouer; il faut prendre garde savez-vous?" "Mais quel danger y a-t-il?" "Je n'en sais rien ne vous laissez pas aller a de vives impressions voila tout."

I can remember one; it was a furious storm a day that nailed one in the house. There was something in the rage without that disturbed me; I wandered about the house, and found myself unable to settle to any task. Some one to speak to! Oh, it was so dreary to be alone. I went into my uncle's room where there were many books. Among those that were there I found one in French, (I have no idea how it came there, I am sure my uncle had never read it.) I carelessly turned it over, and finally became absorbed in it. I came upon this passage: Quel plus noir abîme d'angoisse y a-t-il an monde que le coeur d'un suicide? Quand le malheur d'un homme est

My friend, on account of his birth-mark, which resembled a rude Y, was early dubbed by his brothers with the nick-name Yatil, this being the first words of the French couplet printed below the picture. Learning the French by heart, they believed the Y a-t-il to be one word, and with boyish fondness for nick-names saddled the youngest with this.

"Elle a besoin de l'huile," said the Prince in a loud stage whisper, and took the oil-can and flourished it about my shoulders. They made so many jokes and puns that they were continually interrupted by the peals of laughter which followed each joke. "Faites-la donc chanter," implored Voguee. "N'y a-t-il pas un clou?"