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The garkong is engaged with the dejune, along with the femmie de chambers, who also waits." "You are quite a French scholar, Morris." "Henrietta Morris, my daughter or I should say, mon filly has instructed me in the languidge, sir. This way to the salon, sir," and Morris marshalled the way with the air of a courtier of Louis XIV.

Having come to the end, she burst into jeering laughter. 'He's done it, has he? He's took his 'ook, has he? What did I tell you? Don't swear at me, or I'll give you something to swear about such languidge in a respectable 'ouse! Ha, ha? What did I tell you? You wouldn't take my way. Oh no, you must go off and be independent. Serve you right! Ha, ha! Serve you right! You'll get no pity from me.

To be at last in the company of one who understood, who as he himself had said in "Her Soul" spoke my own languidge! Except for the occasional mosquitoe, there was no sound save the turgescent sea and his Voice. Often since that time I have sat and listened to conversation.

"I suppose yours is good?" asked Rosemary, as if she longed to have a doubt set forever at rest. "Rather! Ain't I been brought out from London on purpose so as this biby can learn to speak Hinglish, instead of French? It's pretty near the sime thing as bein' nursery governess. Madame wouldn't trust her own wye of pronouncing the languidge. She must 'ave a Hinglish girl."

It's been objected to me, when I wrote some of my expearunces in fashnabble life, that my languidge was occasionally vulgar, and not such as is genrally used in those exqizzit famlies which I frequent.

I didn't understand their languidge at that time, so of course can't igsplain much of their conwersation; but it pleased me, nevertheless, for now I felt that I was reely going into foring parts: which, ever sins I had had any edication at all, was always my fondest wish. Heavin bless us! thought I, if these are specimeens of all Frenchmen, what a set they must be.

One fine morning, as I was looking about in the court-yard of our hotel, talking to the servant-gals, as was my reglar custom, in order to improve myself in the French languidge, one of them comes up to me and says, "Tenez, Monsieur Charles, down below in the office there is a bailiff, with a couple of gendarmes, who is asking for your master a-t-il des dettes par hasard?"

"Why on earth can't you come and prove I'm drunk or mad," besought Dam. "Open the mortuary and prove I'm wrong and then put me under arrest. Call the Surgeon and say the sentry over the mortuary reports the inmate to be alive he has heard of catalepsy and comatose collapse simulating death if you haven't." "Don' use sech 'orrible languidge," besought the respectable Corporal Prag. "Ho, yus!

"I suppose yours is good?" asked Rosemary, as if she longed to have a doubt set forever at rest. "Rather! Ain't I been brought out from London on purpose so as this biby can learn to speak Hinglish, instead of French? It's pretty near the sime thing as bein' nursery governess. Madame wouldn't trust her own wye of pronouncing the languidge. She must 'ave a Hinglish girl."