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From these facts I feel that it is safe to put down the total Spanish loss in battle as at least 1,200, of whom over a thousand were killed and wounded. Lieutenant Tejeiro, while rightly claiming credit for the courage shown by the Spaniards, also praises the courage and resolution of the Americans, saying that they fought, "con un arrojo y una decision verdaderamente admirables."

All the same, I would not dog Acton's footsteps quite so much." "He's a monitor." "Who'll make you useful. Take my word for it." "We'll see." "Oh! Certainly we shall." Jack was thoroughly unhinged by his brother's dry bantering tone, and said hotly "I cannot understand, Phil, why he didn't get his cap. He deserved it." "There's no need for you to understand it, young 'un." "My opinion is "

The three little Jutts were suddenly thrown into a fearful state of excitement. They tried to talk all at once; but not one of them could frame a coherent sentence. It was most distressful to see. "The Exterminator!" Martha managed to jerk out, at last. "Oh, ay!" cried Jimmie Jutt. "Quick, zur! Write un down. Pine's Prompt Pain Exterminator. Warranted to cure. Please, zur, make haste."

And when it is a wrong 'un well, a man can't always be shouting about himself, can 'e?" He ordered a cup of coffee. He said he was waiting for someone, and we got to chatting about old times. "How's Carrots?" I asked. "Miss Caroline Trevelyan," he answered, "is doing well." "Oh," I says, "you've found out her fam'ly name, then?" "We've found out one or two things about that lidy," he replies.

Sir Moses Montefiore ne fut pas le plus célèbre: mais il avait une spécialité. en 1784, il mourut en 1885, ayant été toute sa vie un objet d'horreur pour les teetotallers; car de quel oeil en vérité pouvaient-ils considérer un homme qui buvait chaque jour une bouteille de porto, et

If his object were really to delight and instruct children, this fable is his masterpiece. Let us go through it and examine it briefly. "Mr.!" what does that word really mean? What does it mean before a proper noun? What is its meaning here? What is a crow? What is "un arbre perche"? We do not say "on a tree perched," but perched on a tree.

First, the men danced, the maidens seating themselves round the dancers and chanting the following words, to the rhythm of which they swayed their bodies gracefully: "Mille Sarrazins, mille Sarmates, Un jour nous avons tués. Mille, mille, mille, mille, mille Perses, Nous cherchons

"What was too bad what was a shame?" I cried. "Why, for father to give old Parley Vous that knife!" "Why?" I said wonderingly. "Why? Because it was such a good un. I've tried to coax him out of it lots o' times. It was as sharp as sharp, and he used to use it to cut off fingers and toes, and that sort of thing.

"I for one'll never be rememberin' all of un without a writin' to look at whatever." "That's true, Andy," agreed Doctor Joe, "and none of us would." "Andy always thinks of things like that!" exclaimed David admiringly. "Get the paper from the can and bring it up to camp," directed Doctor Joe. "We'll make several copies of the directions. I have paper and pencil there in the tent."

I don't know that any good can come of it; for, as he had nothing to do with Julian's capture, he certainly would not be able to save him from appearing, especially after that row with Faulkner." "He's a bad un that, Master Frank, and I wish your brother had chucked him into that fire. A bit of burning might have done him good; and, if ever a chap deserved it, he did."