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Is it him that can't speak English, or me that can't onderstand? for one on us is a fool, that's sartain. I'll try him agin. "So I sais to him, 'He looks, sais I, 'as if he'd trot a considerable good stick, that horse, sais I, 'I guess he is a goer. "Y' mae, ye un trotter da, sais he.

Doggie noted instantly how pale she was, and how tiny, faint little lines persisted at the corners of those lips in spite of the smile. "There is no reason for excuses, monsieur," she said. "The door was open to the view of everybody." "Pourtant," said Doggie, "c'était un peu mal élevé." She laughed. "Pardon. But it's droll.

I'm going to look at this man. Most of the white men, I know, have things in their pockets," said the troop-horse. "I'll leave you, then. I can't say I'm over-fond of 'em myself. Besides, white men who haven't a place to sleep in are more than likely to be thieves, and I've a good deal of Government property on my back. Come along, young un, and we'll go back to our lines. Good-night, Australia!

"Why, you must be stark, staring mad to talk like this!" exclaimed Miles, in doubt whether to heave the nearest article on which he could lay hands at the head of Oily Dave, or to pity him as a lunatic. "I'm no more mad than you are, young 'un; but there's a deal of what scholars call practical economy in me, and I can't bear waste of no sort or kind, I can't.

Us watched th' wind an' knew if it didn' blow too hard us could get un, though 'e was then three mile off a'ready. So us waited for th' daylight. No one said who was goin' out in th' boat. Un 'ud say, 'Is you goin'? An' another, 'Is you? I didn' say, but I knowed what I'd do.

"I knows un all, and I plays with un when they's pups, but if I were trippin' and fallin' down among un now, I'm not doubtin' they's tear me abroad." "After you raised them from pups, and always had them, and feed them and everything?" asked Charley, horrified at the suggestion.

Spike had risen and now stood, breathing loudly, one hand clenched upon his breast, and turning swiftly, took a stumbling pace toward the open window, tripped, and fell prone upon his face. "Oh, poor lad, poor lad!" cried the Old Un, rising hastily. "Fate's been an' ketched him one too a fair knock-out!

Je n'ai pas besoin de vous dire que j'observe avec une serieuse inquietude l'etat des relations entre l'Angleterre et la France, non que je croie meme a la possibilite d'un conflit qui repugnerait egalement a tous les membres des deux nations voisines, mais parce qu'une hostilite diplomatique seule serait deja un grand malheur pour l'une et pour l'autre.... Vous avez raison de croire que le desir universel de la paix prevaudra sur les perils de la situation internationale.

At this moment another head was poked up from the bedclothes, and the second child began to say its say, hoping, perhaps, thereby to get a share of attention and kisses as well as the other. "I seed a lady and genle'm," it broke forth, "and was feared of un. They was going out of doors. The genle'm look back at us, but the lady went right on. I didn' see her face."

"We'll not be waitin'. We'll not be waitin'. I has th' money now an' th' maid must be goin' th' first trip o' th' mail boat," said Douglas, in an authoritative manner. "Oh, Douglas, you be wonderful good so wonderful good." And Mrs. Gray began to cry. "Now! Now!" exclaimed the soft-hearted old trapper, "'Tis nothin' t' be cryin' about. What un cryin' for, now?"