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"We have secured a good-sized, comfortable yacht," goes on Old Hickory. "You will each have a stateroom, assigned by lot. Meal hours and the menu will be left to the discretion of a competent steward. "We sail on Wednesday, promptly at 11 A.M. Just when we shall return I can't say. It may be in a month, possibly two.

"And besides," I says, "we might borrow something worth having out of the captain's stateroom. Seegars, I bet you and cost five cents apiece, solid cash. Steamboat captains is always rich, and get sixty dollars a month, and THEY don't care a cent what a thing costs, you know, long as they want it. Stick a candle in your pocket; I can't rest, Jim, till we give her a rummaging.

Suddenly, he exclaimed: "I see him now. He doesn't see us, though. Possibly he doesn't know where his stateroom is. These boats are very confusing. I'll go fetch him." Blake disappeared in the throngs upon the deck. Muriel turned to her mother. "Mother," she implored. "Yes, dear?" "Why can't we go, too, mother dear?" "We must stay to care for Aunt Elinor."

"Those scoundrels outwitted us, locked us in the stateroom, and our prisoner is gone." The boys were so astonished that not one of them uttered a sound. "I haven't heard their story yet," Mr. Perry interposed. "We'll all get it together." "It won't take long to tell how they did it," Mr. Buckley began. Then he seemed to hesitate, glancing in some embarrassment at Mr. Baker.

But, bless your hearts, boys! he wa'n't anything to little Sammy Barlow, ez once crep' up inter the captain's stateroom on a Rooshin frigate, stabbed him to the heart with a jack-knife, then put on the captain's uniform and his cocked hat, took command of the ship and fout her hisself." "Wasn't the captain's clothes big for him?" asked B. Franklin Jenkins, anxiously.

Kennedy said nothing. He was thoroughly enjoying her face. "Don't you understand?" I explained, laughing merrily. "I admit that I didn't until that last minute in the stateroom on the boat when we didn't come back to wave a last good-bye.

She wondered that she did not hear Mrs. Montague moving about in her stateroom, but concluded that she had completed, her arrangements for the night and gone on deck. Presently the last signal was given, and the steamer swung slowly away from the levee. A few moments later the gong sounded for dinner, and Mona went out into the saloon to look for her companions.

'Triangle, would you mind coming down to my stateroom a minute, and have a little talk on a certain matter? I went with him at once. Arrived there, he put his head out, glanced up and down the saloon warily, then closed the door and locked it. He sat down on the sofa, and he said

At the pier was a large, stanch vessel the Columbia bound for San Francisco, around Cape Horn. All was dark, but the second officer was pacing the deck. Curtis Waring hailed him. "What time do you get off?" "Early to-morrow morning." "So the captain told me. I have brought you a passenger." "The captain told me about him." "Is his stateroom ready?" "Yes, sir. You are rather late."

And, when I gets the nod, I breezes out on deck and up to the Captain's stateroom. "Cap," says I, "welcome words from the boss." "Sailing orders?" he asks. "Yep!" says I. "You're to tie her loose from Florida as quick as you know how, and head her straight for the wet end of Broadway. Get me? Broadway! Say, but don't that listen good?"