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An' I was laid in among thim, and Sergeant-Major Kilpatrick shtandin' there an' looking at me an' sayin': 'Poor b'y poor b'y! "But when they threw another man on tap of me, I waked up out o' that beautiful shlape, and give him a kick. 'Yer not polite, says I to mesilf. Shure, I couldn't shpake there was no strength in me.

I knew he done it, though I ain't exactly seen how he done it. The others who were in the game, they swore he hadn't got it yet, but, by Gawd, Butts says he'll think over McQuestion's terms, and wonders what time it is. He takes that di'mon' watch out of his pocket, glances at it, and goes off smooth as cream, sayin' 'Good-night. Then he come a grinnin' over to us.

"Nelly," Joe Rix chuckled, flushing with pleasure, "you didn't. It was me. I kind of had an idea that you wanted to get rid of this Donnegan, and I was going to do it for you and then surprise you with the good news." "Joe, you forged it?" "Don't bother sayin' pretty things about me and my pen," said Rix modestly. "This is nothin'! But if you want to help me, Nelly "

"I hope you explained to him that I didn't rightly understand what he was sayin'," she observed with a certain childish dignity that took the others by surprise. "It was all a mistake, of course, but there's no great harm done." "Not a bit of harm at all, me dear," groaned Mrs. McNally. "Not a bit of harm in the world only for the disappointment."

Wall, finally Uncle Ezra got through with his prayer, and dear good Aunt Tryphenia begun hern. She spoke dretful kinder moderate, but religious and good as anything could be. I well remember what it wuz she wuz sayin' "O Lord, let us be tried as by fire and not be movéd" I remember she said movéd instead of moved, which wuz impressive to me, never havin' hearn it pronounced that way before.

Hows'ever, as I wos sayin', I've bin a'most all over the world I've smoked wi' the Turks, an' hobnobbled with John Chinaman, an' scrambled through the jungles of the Indies, an' gone aloft the Himalayas " "What, have you seen the Himalayas?" asked Jeffson, with a doubtful look. "How could I be among 'em without seein' of 'em?" replied Joe.

"I am, indeed, Miss Julia," he replied in a tone of such coaxing and significant confidence, as would have been irresistibly laughable had she understood why he used it, "I am alone, Miss Julia, and you needn't be either ashamed or daunted in sayin' whatever you like to me maybe I could guess what you're goin' to say, but I declare to you, and that my bed may be in heaven, but, say what you will, you'll find me honor bright do you understand that, Miss Julia?"

I'm the Father o this fleet, and all for the Service, as the sayin is. And I can't stand by and see the first officer in the British Navy lowerin himself in the eyes of Europe without a word." The darkness hushed; the moon stared; the stars crept closer. "He struck me. Nelson struck me in the mug. I wiped the blood away with my cuff.

It seems that a chief of some other island came on a visit to Tararo and took a fancy to her, but she wouldn't have him on no account, bein' already in love, and engaged to a young chief whom Tararo hates, and she kicked up a desperate shindy; so, as he was going on a war expedition in his canoe, he left her to think about it, sayin' he'd be back in six months or so, when he hoped she wouldn't be so obstropolous.

"No, no, avick, don't be thinking about the likes; take a fool's advice, and never go next to near them ugly black walls again the longest day you have to live; an' I'd take my davy, it's what it's the same word the priest himself id be afther sayin' to you if you wor to ax his raverence consarnin' it, for it's plain to be seen it was nothing good you seen there, and there's neither luck nor grace about it."