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'F'r th' purpose iv enfoorcin' a moral example, he says. "'Well, says old Wow Chow, 'I'd like to be able to go back home an' tell thim what war really is. A few years back ye sint a lot iv young men over to our part iv th' wurruld an' without sayin' with ye'er leave or by ye'er leave they shot us an' they hung us up be our psyche knots an' they burned down our little bamboo houses.

"No, I didn't do nothin' of the kind. Say, what are you tryin' to do trip me up or somethin'?" "Of course not. Why should I be interested in tripping you up?" "You was sayin' " "Don't be foolish, Barker! It wouldn't do me a bit of good to er trip you up. All I want is whatever knowledge you have which may prove of interest in solving this case." The man's eyes narrowed craftily.

Wal, ye see, I thought there warn't no harm in my jest passing him along, and not sayin' nothin'; and I'd got him nicely swapped off for a keg o' whiskey; but come to get him away from the gal, she was jest like a tiger.

"Well, as I was sayin', times was mighty hard in Ireland that year, specially in the little town where me an' Mona was born an' reared. Crops failed, work was slack; finally, famine an' pestilence took possession of the land. Ah! child, child, you cannot dream what them words mean, famine an' pestilence.

Sometimes they knock to show to some Taffy as has pleased 'em where the veins of copper may be found, and sometimes they knock to give warnin' of a dangerous precipuss, and sometimes they knock to give the person as is talkin' warnin' that he's sayin' or doin' somethin' as may lead to danger.

They say he's rather a bad one, that he can't be fired. We'll see about that. There's a steamer for Belize next Thursday. I'm going to sail on her. Will you go along too?" For a minute they stood there, Mother and Sonny boy, gazin' into each other's eyes without sayin' a word; and then well, we turns our backs as they goes to a clinch and Mother turns on the sprinkler.

"'Well, says I, 'how do we stand here in Europe? Do we maintain the high pitch we had, or do we sing a note lower than we did? "Well, he walked up and down the room, with his hands onder his coat-tails, for ever so long, without a sayin' of a word.

Sure, he's young, but he's the last of the old style the picturesque an' chivalrous, too, I make bold to say, Miss Majesty, as well as the old hard-ridin' kind. Folks are down on Stewart. An' I'm only sayin' a good word for him because he is down, an' mebbe last night he might hev scared you, you bein' fresh from the East."

At last I was caught, an' I was sent up, an' I don't mind sayin' that I think my sentence was mighty light, considerin' all the heavy mischief that I'd done durin' my life. While I was in jail I was talked to by a man that used to come through there to talk to the prisoners on Sundays.

I never heerd there was any special limit to the number o' times you could ask 'em, and their power o' sayin' 'No' is like the mercy of the Lord; it endureth forever. You wouldn't consider a widder, Cephas? A widder'd be a good comp'ny-keeper for your mother." "I hain't put my good savin's into an ell jest to marry a comp'ny-keeper for mother," responded Cephas huffily.