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He kinder wanted to go and see the plows and horse-rakes that mornin', but I capitulated with him by sayin' if he would go there first with me, anon we would go together to the horse-rake house.

Because the way the matter stands, he might take up wid some diff'rint notion, and just be off wid himself like a cloud blown out of the sky, and she couldn't be sayin' a word, if she was ever so sure of what he was intindin'." Young Mrs. Keogh, to whom she made the observation, refused to entertain this view, and replied, "Sorra a fear is there of that.

Pietro knew that this would do very little good, but there seemed nothing else to do. "Filippo!" he called; "come here. The padrone has sent for you." "What was ye sayin'?" demanded Bridget not comprehending the Italian. "I told my brother to come." "Then you can go out and wait for him," said she. "I don't want you in the house." Pietro was very angry.

It would maybe give us a start. An’well, there weren’t nothin’ else to do. So we tried it." Anse sat staring down at the water lapping at his lean middle. His was a very thin body, the ribs standing out beneath the skin almost as harshly as did the weal of the scar on his shoulder. "And it didn’t work?" "Well, it might’ve. I ain’t sayin’ it won’t for some hombres. Only we run into trouble.

And Henry would say "Are you there, father?" very gravely. "That's right," the old man would exclaim, listening with delight to the rolling rs. "Always sound your rs whatever you do. I'll not own you if you come home sayin,'Ah yoh thah? when you mean 'Are you there? Do you mind me, now?" "Yes, father." "Well, be heedin' me, then! Now, how are you on the hs.

He'll see that the matter is investigated for you." Johnnie was profuse, but somewhat incoherent in his thanks. "Much obliged to meet you, Mr. Postmaster. An' an' if you ever hit the trail for God's Country I'll sure I'll sure Us boys at the B-in-a-Box we'd be right glad to to meet up with you. Tha's right, as the old sayin' is. We sure would. Any ol' time."

At first the boys objects, sayin' that the kid was a cowpuncher's kid, but Rifle-Eye convinces 'em that the youngster's locoed for fair, that he's likely to stay that way for good an' all, and sence they agrees they can't ever make anythin' out of him, they lets him go. "Then Rifle-Eye, he takes this unfortunate kid to the man that owned the sheep.

"'Course, there's you an' Miss Holbrook, always askin' an' sendin' things but that ain't so strange, 'cause you was 'specially his friends. But it's them others what beats me. Why, some days it's 'most ev'ry soul I meet, jest askin' how he is, an' sayin' they hopes he'll git well.

"Why, Williams," he said, "I wouldn't ha' believed you was such a greenhorn. You can't mean what you're sayin', shipmate. I don't suppose you've ever been a pirate, and I'm precious certain I never have or I don't believe we should either of us be sittin' in this here snug fo'c's'le to-night so I reckon neither of us knows very much about the business.