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Andre must not think she was cold or prudish. She had set out to be merely reasonable. To Andre the girl's apology for preserving her chastity seemed perfectly natural. In her world it was somewhat of an eccentric feat. "Et puis, enfin." And then, at last, came the conquering male, a singer in a light opera touring company in the chorus of which she was engaged.

I converse with grave folios in the morning, while my head is clearest and my attention strongest: I take up less severe quartos after dinner; and at night I choose the mixed company and amusing chit-chat of octavos and duodecimos. 'Ye tire parti de tout ce gue je puis'; that is my philosophy; and I mitigate, as much as I can, my physical ills by diverting my attention to other objects.

Why should I love my despicable life and my own self, now that I am ruined for all that is worth while in the world? And at the least danger, I suddenly, in spite of myself, begin to pray for my miserable life, and to watch over it as though it were precious, and I cannot, je ne puis pas, control myself.

The outbreak of voices was cut short; the whole company stood, like Homeric armies, watching two champions. Chantel, however, broke the silence. "Nobody must go." He eyed them all, gravely. "I left him, yes. He does not need any one. Personne. Very sudden. He went to the school sick this morning. Swollen axillae the poor fool, not to know! et puis enfin He is dead."

It must be so. Her own judgment she might have doubted, but the word of her teacher no. She had to succeed, she had to justify herself, to justify de Myeres. "Travaillez, travaillez, et puis encore travaillez," she murmured, as she had heard him say a hundred times, and tore the sketch across and across, tossing the pieces into a large wicker basket.

Something traceable of false, of suspicious, feline, nearly always, in those seductive warblings; which otherwise are the most melodious bits of idle ingenuity the human brain has ever spun from itself. "Vou gui daignez me departir Les fruits d'une Muse divine, O roi! je ne puis consentir Que, sans daigner m'en avertir, Vous alliez prendre medecine.

Jerome when he told me that it was undoubtedly more correct to say "Je peux" than "Je puis." Yet, I must confess to a certain disappointment at finding that no one paid any particular attention to my politeness and good-humour.

"Madame la Duchesse! puis je vous demander sans indiscrétion, a quelle heure vous êtes revenue hier au soir?" Lady Caithness looked a little surprised, but answered readily enough: "Well, it must have been past midnight; I did not notice very specially." "Not past midnight, mother," corrected the Duc de Pomar; "I heard a clock strike twelve just as we were driving through the Porte Cochère."

Snores had already begun in various keys at various distances in various directions. The candle flickered a little; as if darkness and itself were struggling to the death, and darkness were winning. "I'll get a chew from John" Harree's voice said. Three or four paillasses away, a subdued conversation was proceeding. I found myself listening sleepily. "Et puis," a voice said, "je suis reforme...."

I have told Madame Beck I dare not deliver it, and she says I am to charge you with it." "Me? No, that is rather too bad! It is not in my line of duty. Come, come, Rosine! bear your own burden. Be brave charge once more!" "I, Mademoiselle? impossible! Five times I have crossed him this day. Madame must really hire a gendarme for this service. Ouf! Je n'en puis plus!" "Bah! you are only a coward.