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But whan man or wuman repents and heumbles himsel, there is He to lift them up, and that higher than ever they stede afore!" "Syne they're no to be despised that fa'!" "Nane despises them, lassie, but them that haena yet learnt the danger they're in o' that same fa' themsels.

'It's sax-thirty, he said. 'Her an' you'll be nane the waur o' hauf an' 'oor in private. See? So long! She's a clinker! And before Macgregor realized it, Willie had bolted through the shop and into the street. Christina returned, her eyes wide. 'What gaed wrang wi' him, Mac? 'Come here an' I'll tell ye.

"What brings yon cratur here and on a Sabbath mornin'? Mind you, Malcolm," she continued in a voice of sharp decision, "A'll hae nane o' his 'rights o' British citizens' clack the morn." "Who is it, Mother?" enquired her son, coming from his room to look out through the window.

'It's queer 'at things winna gang up ohn hauden them doon. Pu' a guid han'fu' o' clover, Shargar. She's had her fa', an' noo she'll gang up a' richt. She's nane the waur o' 't. Upon the next attempt, the kite rose triumphantly.

"And this kinsman of yours, and friend of mine, is he one of those great proprietors who maintain the household troops you speak of?" I inquired. "Na, na," said Bailie Jarvie; "he's nane o' your great grandees o' chiefs, as they ca' them, neither.

He never was a doonricht leear, sae lang's I kenned him ony mair nor yersel! But, for God's sake, Phemy, dinna imagine he'll ever merry ye, for that he wull not. 'This is really insufferable! cried Phemy, in a voice that began to tremble from the approach of angry tears. 'Pray, have you a claim upon him? 'Nane, no a shedow o' ane, returned Kirsty.

I am o' the mind," he continued, "that he's seeking after you it's a considerate creature and troth, I wad swear he was right about the leddy, as he ca's her, too Helen Campbell was nane o' the maist douce maidens, nor meekest wives neither, and folk say that Rob himsell stands in awe o' her.

"What shall I do?" he murmured. "If once I look in her eyes, I shall be damned. Malcolm!" "Yes, my lord." "Is there a lawyer in Portlossie?" "Yes, my lord: there's auld Maister Carmichael." "He won't do: he was my brother's rascal. Is there no one besides?" "No in Portlossie, my lord. There can be nane nearer than Duff Harbor, I doobt." "Take the chariot and bring him here directly.

M'Gregor." "That's no weesdom; it's just preejudice." "Prejudice!" cried Stuart, dropping down upon the sofa. "Aye," replied Mrs. M'Gregor firmly "preejudice! They're no' that daft but they're well aware o' who's the cleverest physeecian in the deestrict, an' they come to nane other than Dr.

What must John Paul do but burst into the hall where the family sat at dinner, and cry the news to them that "Tam Macmorland was but new lichtit at the door, and wirra, wirra there were nane to come behind him"? They took the word in silence like folk condemned; only Mr. Henry carrying his palm to his face, and Miss Alison laying her head outright upon her hands.