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"'You're kiddin' me, ain't you? I says. "'No, he says. 'I'm not kidding you. I've fought my fear of horses since I was old enough to think. Lately it has become necessary for me to ride, and I'm going to do it it it kills me! "We were back to my joint by this time 'n' he looks at me 'n' laughs. "'Cheer up! he says. 'I'll think over what you told me and let you know.

The lamp threw a glare into the dark face, which seemed paler. "Go on, Frisco," said Adam, about the skull, "tell Mamma about her father." A sharp voice answered, "Let go my arms. You're killin' me!" "Quit kiddin'," Adam growled. "Go on!" "He ran a joint in San Francisco and gave me a job after I got out the Navy. Died last fall. I kind of nursed him. Told me to burn all these books diaries.

"A hundred guineas," replied the shopman, indifferently. "Garn! Yer kiddin'?" cried Jonah, astounded. The salesman looked in surprise from Jonah to Clara. She coloured slightly. Jonah saw that she was annoyed. The salesman led them to another instrument, and, with less deference in his tone, remarked that this was the firm's special cheap line at fifty guineas.

"Son," I said, while I pretended to chase coins in my penny pocket, "doesn't it sometimes seem to you as if the city ought to be able to talk? All these ups and downs and funny business and queer things happening every day what would it say, do you think, if it could speak?" "Quit yer kiddin'," said the boy. "Wot paper yer want? I got no time to waste.

"No Creek" Lee had come into his own at last, and was a hero, for the story of his long ill-luck was common gossip now, and men praised him for his courage. He had never been praised for anything before and was uncertain just how to take it. "Say, are these people kiddin' me?" he inquired, confidentially, of Poleon. "W'y? Wat you mean?"

"Crazy guy," was his estimate of the mysterious automobilist. "Just wanted to have some fun kiddin', I guess. He might have dug up a dollar, anyhow. Now I've got to hurry up and get back to that gang of bum bed hunters before they all get preached to sleep." When Thomas reached the end of his two-mile walk he found the ranks of the homeless reduced to a squad of perhaps eight or ten.

Who's goin' to catch the money when you drop it?" he asked, and helplessly added: "I don't believe you. You're kiddin', you're tryin' us out." "I'm doing nothing to earn this luxury." "Doing nothing! My God, you've made Mart Haney over new. You've converted him as they say, you've redeemed him. Let me tell you something, little sister, Mart worships you. It does him good just to see you.

You said something was stolen. What was it?" "Sixty-four thousand dollars in bonds," answered Dick. "What! Say, boss, ain't you kiddin'?" and the boy looked incredulous. "No, it is the truth, Bob. Somebody took a box out of that safe that contained sixty-four thousand dollars' worth of bonds." "Great smoke!

I was just saying th' other night to Mike here dere ain't one feller in a hundred could 'a' stood de kiddin' from an old he-one like me and kep' his mout' shut and grinned and said nawthin' to nobody. Dat's w'at wins fights. But, say, boy, I'll miss yuh, I sure will. I get to be kind of lonely as de boys drop off like boozers always does.

A week ago Jimmie could not have been bribed to enter a place presided over by a soldier; but he had learned from Emil and Stankewitz that a soldier might be a human being, so he went up and said, "Hello." "Hello, yourself," said the soldier, looking him over with an appraising eye. "If I was to hire here, when would I start for France?" "To-night," said the soldier. "You kiddin' me?"