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"Fool nigger, doan know what wah is doan lemme heah you talk no more 'bout gwine to de wah ur I gwine to w'ar you out wid a hickory dat's whut I'll do now you min'." She turned on Basil then; but Basil had retreated, and his laugh rang from the darkening yard. She cried after him: "An' doan lemme heah you puttin' dis fool nigger up to gittin' hisself killed by dem Cubians neither; no suh!"

"Sure, Mac, glad to hear you," replied Pan, not without a little shock. "I've stuck on heah, haven't I?" queried Mac New. "You sure have. I wouldn't ask a better worker. And if the drive is all I hope for, I'll double your money." "Wal, I didn't come with you on my own hook," rejoined the other, hurriedly. "Leastways it wasn't my idee. Hardman got wind of your hoss-trappin' scheme.

Up the stairs and out into the street she ran, holding the China Cat in such a tight grip that, had the toy been a real pussy, she would have been choked. Jeff was not going to let his China Cat be taken from him in this fashion. With a yell he darted up the basement steps and ran after his sister. "Come back heah! Bring back mah cat!" yelled the colored boy. "No! No!" screamed his sister.

So now, when the men arrived, she was facing them, frowning as an indignant, inexpugnable black executioner. "Good morning, Timmie," said the Colonel, starting to enter, but she blocked the doorway, announcing: "You-alls cyarn' come in! Dar's a lady 'sleep in heah!" "How is Mesmie?" he asked. "She's in mighty bad shape, dat's how she is!"

"An' how is hit with ye?" she asked, facing Fortner, with her large gray eyes eloquent with solicitude. "O, ez fur me, I'm jes ez sound ez when I left heah last week, 'cept thet I'm tireder 'n a plow mule at night, an' hongrier nor a b'ar thet's lived all Winter by suckin' hits paws."

Looky heah, giant man, I'd hab yo' know dat I's been in de Swift fambly a good many years, an' I's jest as spry as I eber was. I kin look after Massa Tom as good as eber. Now yo' git back where yo' belongs, giant man, an' doan't let me heah no mo' ob dat foolishness talk. Nobody waits on Massa Tom Swift but me. Does yo' heah dat, giant man?"

"Do you remember in the boarding-house when we finally packed up what you did with everything?" "Yassum." "You remember that I used to keep a pistol?" "Yo' mean dat one yo' say dat gemman out West gave yuh once?" "Yes." "Yassum, Ah 'membuh it." "Where is it now?" "Last Ah saw of it was in dis heah draw' in de writin'-desk."

Stealthy steps sounded out in the hall. They revived Allie's fear of Durade and his men. It struck her suddenly that Larry must be ignorant of the circumstances that had placed her there. The cowboy unlocked the door peeped out. As he turned, how clear and cold his blue eyes flashed! "I'll get you out of heah," he whispered. "Come." They went out. The passage was empty. Allie clung closely to him.

Sit down a moment, Sam, and let me think." The doctor stroked his chin reflectively. Here, let me read the message, and then I can repeat it to Miss Nancy at the station." "No, suh, 'scuse me, suh, but dis heah papah was ter be delibered ter her pussionally." "I am the best judge of that. Give me the paper at once." "No, suh," reiterated Sam obstinately.

With that parting shot he turned and went in. Lucy arrived shortly before noon. She was accompanied by a portion of her large family four, Val counted, including that Sam who had become Ricky's faithful shadow. "What's all dis Ah heah 'bout some mans sayin' he am de Ralestone?" she demanded of Ricky. "De policemans oughta lock him up. Effen he comes botherin' 'roun' heah agin I'll ten' to him!"