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When, therefore, Jane Haden came out with signs of tears on her cheeks, her neighbours on either side at once assailed her with questions. "Jack Simpson's killed by a fall," she said, "and I ha' got to break it to his wife." Rapidly the news spread along the row, from door to door, and from group to group.

Bill Haden said, bringing down his hand upon Jack's shoulder with a force that almost knocked him down; while the men, with revived hope, leaped to their feet, and crowding round, shook Jack's hands with exclamations of approval and delight. "Now, lads," Mr. Brook said, "Jack Simpson is master now, and we will all work under his orders. But before we begin, boys, let us say a prayer.

"What is it, Bill? what's brought thee home before time?" For a moment Bill Haden did not answer, but stooped, and, as it were mechanically, lifted the dog and stroked its head. "There's blood on thy hands, Bill. What be wrong with 'ee?" "It bain't none of mine, lass," the man said in an unsteady voice. "It be Jack's. He be gone." "Not Jack Simpson?"

Haden dit que je n'ai point de maladie, mais que je suis incapable de supporter tout travail excessif. Il va falloir regler tout cela." "J'ai du renoncer a mon travail pendant deux jours parce que j'ai besoin de repos, et il me semble plus sage de le prendre a temps que de me rendre malade. Lorsque je suis malade je ne puis pas me reposer, tandis que maintenant, je suis simplement fatigue.

Lundi, diner chez Pearce. Mardi, " " Mackay. Mercredi, " " Shaw. Jeudi, " " Woolner. Vendredi, toute la journee avec Woodward. Samedi, soiree chez Marks. Lundi, diner chez Haden. Mardi, " " Constable fils: "et il n'y a pas de raison pour que cela s'arrete, excepte mon depart pour West Lodge qui sera, je crois, pour mercredi."

He wondered whether, if his strength went before the chain came down again, his hand would hold on as Harry's had done, or whether he should go down to the bottom of the shaft. How far was it! Fifty fathoms, three hundred feet; he was fifty below the mouth, two hundred and fifty to sink; how long would his body be getting to the bottom? What would his mother and Bill Haden say?

The author had the satisfaction of receiving another letter from Roberts Brothers, dated July 21, 1871, in which this passage occurs: "'Thoughts about Art' is quite popular; you have many very dear friends in this country, and the number is increasing." In September of the same year Mr. Haden wrote, in reference to the projected "Etcher's Handbook":

Haden in my heart for his courageous and timely interference, and Gilbert did the same after recovering from the shock. This time he did not feel either so sad or so despondent as formerly, when he had suffered alone; he knew now for certain that the causes of his trouble were overwork and railway travelling, and he took the resolution of avoiding both dangers as much as possible.

"Bless the boy, what hast got in your head now?" Jack showed not the slightest sign of discomfiture at his father's laughter. "I met a chap to-day," he said in answer to Mrs. Haden, "as told I that if I made up my moind to work and joost stuck to 't, I could surely make a man o' myself, and might even roise soom day to be a manager; and I'm a going to do it."

He was a notable huntsman, who kept a famous pack of hounds fierce brutes, thoroughly trained to run down and seize any live thing that their master chose to chase. This young man had been out in search of stray cattle, and just at the moment when matters were at their worst he rode up to the fort, followed by his sixty dogs. Isaac Haden had a cool head and a very daring spirit.