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The entrance to the tower is through a shop, and the view from the top is very fine. The Cathedral of St. Bavon, the Church of St. Michael, and the Hôtel de Ville, or Town Hall, were pointed out, and the carriages stopped in the Marché au Vendredi, a large square, or market-place, which takes its name from the day on which the sale is held. The phrase means Friday Market. Mr.

Je vis le roi traverser la ville en cavalcade. C'étoit un Vendredi jour de fête pour eux, et il alloit faire sa prière. Sa garde étoit composée d'une cinquantaine de cavaliers, la plupart ses esclaves, et d'environ trente archers

I had been poking a good deal about the old parts of Tours, and had had to understand the dialect of the people who dwelt in the Marché au Vendredi and similar places, or I really should not have understood my handsome hostess, as she offered to present me to her husband, a henpecked, gentlemanly man, who was more quaintly attired than she in the very extreme of that style of dress.

Lundi, j'achetai des actions; Mardi, je gagnai des millions; Mercredi, j'arrangeai mon menage, Jeudi, je pris un equipage, Vendredi, je m'en fus au bal, Et Samedi, a l'Hopital.

As I dropped off to sleep that night, the last sound of which I was conscious was, still that cannon-like chorus, coming from the direction of the square: Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Elle ne marchait que très difficilement et très péniblement. A la sortie de la piscine, vendredi soir, elle a pu marcher facilement.

What fierce broils and bloody fights did these streets witness centuries ago! There in the Marche au Vendredi, a large square of old-fashioned houses, with a statue of Jacques van Artevelde, fifteen hundred corpses were strewn in a quarrel between the hostile guilds of fullers and brewers; and here, later, Alva set blazing the fires of the Inquisition.

"Il me tarde tant de te revoir que je suis comme un pauvre prisonnier en pays etranger, loin de la Dame de ses pensees. Alors, tu sais, il faut m'ecrire et embrasser les enfants pour moi." "Vendredi. "J'ai ete desole de ne pas pouvoir t'ecrire aujourd'hui; il est maintenant 1 h. du matin. Je vais bien, mais je suis accable de travaux et pourtant je veux partir bientot; je finirai a la maison.

Proceeding in the same way, we get Mercury for the next day, Mercurii dies, Mercredi, Wednesday or Woden's day; Jupiter for the next day, Jovis dies, Jeudi, Thursday or Thor's day; Venus for the next day, Veneris dies, Vendredi, Friday or Freya's day; and so we come to Saturday again.

Estelle was deeply interested in it, and varied in opinion whether she should prefer Calypso's island or Crusoe's, which she took for as much matter of fact as did, a century later, Madame Talleyrand, when, out of civility to Mr. Robinson, she inquired after 'ce bon Vendredi. She inclined to think she should prefer Friday to the nymphs.

Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me over our mess of hash of lights in rue Saint-André-des-Arts. In words of words for words, palabras. Oisin with Patrick. Faunman he met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle. C'est vendredi saint! Murthering Irish. His image, wandering, he met. I mine. I met a fool i'the forest. Mr Lyster, an attendant said from the door ajar.

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